I'm all excited

old school cool

Dirt Disciple
I'm getting my 1st brand new bike in nearly a decade :shock: . Hopefully i'll be the proud owner of a cube ams comp very shortly.

I've got the ok from the missus and the bike shop just want to know if I want the blue and white, or the black and white one. :LOL:


gotta be the blue one fella, dont wanna be all john major monochrome. Splash some colour and live a bit
Am considering a Cube as well. Good value for money, and good looking bikes (for as far as modern bikes go).
Agree with the other 2 on the blue and white.
hahaha, I've just woke up off nights and decided on the black and grey one till I saw this post. I think i'm gonna have to see em in the metal now!

btw, my missus says the blue one, and she's never wrong :roll: ;)
Really like this in the B/W but the blue, imo, just looks a little nicer. .

I'd be pleased with either I think... :cool:
I do have one small problem though, my specialized fsr ground control is probably gonna have to go. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I've got a few more weeks to decide which bike I sell or part out, as i'm not allowed 3.