Idea for a new project...


Dirt Disciple
Earlier this year I picked up a 3-speed town bike in immaculate condition. It's not that old (1985 from the Sturmey Archer hub) and rides wonderfully. It's a lower end brand (Focus Cycles) and was ultimately replaced in the bike stable by an older english 3 speed.

Here's a poor quality mobile pic taken on purchase:


I was thinking of selling it, but have since ended up with a surplus set of old ITM drop bars and some rather nice drilled Weinmann levers. I'm considering turning it into a touring type bike with drop bars and comfy 26'' wheels - has anyone done similar?

have been riding an elderley Phillips bike that arrived with a set of rusty town style bars on that have been removed and replaced by a set of drops
complete with the control lever for the 3 speed sturmey equipped 26" steel wheels , its a lovelly bike for daily commute , so go for it and do it .

if you fancy a project i am currentley selling a mid 50's Phillips Lightwieght 531 frame set (see e bay finds for link)