I went to the tip on Saturday...

Goldie":zcqxdy1p said:
I had a sightly embarassing episode with the Inferno the other night when I was gazing at it lovingly, and then my eyes settled on the chainring, and then I started to think "Hang one... that's not quite circular is it? Have I bent it somehow? Oh b***er!" beforeI remembered voodoorider's post, and read what Biopace actually was, and then felt a bit shamefaced :oops:

Anyway, I can feel my resistance to the idea of spending money on the bike slowly crumbling, so I'd love it if y'all could post up your suggestions of period drivetrain upgrades. Bikeporn like pictures of upgraded compenents welcomed...

Ha! Awesome!

Personally I like BioPace it's all a bit subjective, I find I accelerate a bit better with BioPace, some people find it eases stress on their joints

Others find it's not worth the hassle, feels to bursty and is a bit trickier to set up

And replacing/upgrading rings is a pain

Anyway specifically about your bike

If it were my ride, I'd rolling upgrade it,

Buy off here cos the sellers should be able to confirm it will fit OK, unlike sellers anywhere else, including some bike shops

First: Chainset - any non low profile chainset will fit. Expect an alloy one for about £15 - £30 off here depending on condition spec, whether rings are all alloy too etc..

- You will save an amazing amout of weight!

Second: Front and rear mechs: expect £10 - £15 for a decent rear and around £7 - £10 for a front

The measurement of your existing front mech clamp should be inside the band...

Third: Cantis: about £15 - £20 for a full set, this is easy cos they'll all fit!

- These upgardes totally will transform your bike

Fourth? Maybe shifters/levers but if yours work OK maybe just stick with em?

Fifth? Get QR spindles for those wheels - you can keep the wheels and hubs and just upgrade the nutted spindles (axles) to quick release ones for a couple of quid off ebay...

I'll do some pics of stuff that'll fit your bike later if I get a chance

you could always post a want ad with a pic of your bike and the component you'd like each time you find yourself ready/monied up!

Bear in mind the prices are guidance only and aren't for Deore XT:)
Well, it's not exactly conquering the Pennines, but it's quickly become a member of the family. It's "the lellow bike" according to my daughter. I can't say how excited I was to find out that bottles of Frijj fit the bottle cage perfectly.


hey i've got the exact same bike! Still the same as when I bought it for £179.99 (ish) from a Herefordshire bike shop around 1990/91. Used to ride it to school and has been the only full size bike I ever owned. Now I take it out with a toddler seat or a gator bar on the back for the kids and all is well :) I remember replacing the front brakes after they fell to pieces on my way to school, but everything else is an original part, including the tatty saddle and the well-worn tyres!


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I was so excited when I read the title of this thread....I thought some lucky bugger has struck bikin Faberge gold ....the main thing is that you are enjoying yourself and I agree it looks cheerful :LOL:
A 3lb chainset though :shock:
I have loved this thread and enjoyed the contributions
oh and the modern day Raleigh Activator seems to have a stiff link or two in that chain I noticed them when I was thinking that I had never seen jockey wheels that big before..good job they finished them in a discrete shade of Porsche signal red :roll:
enjoy :D
Lordjeffers: I'm so pleased to see another one! I love mine in a slightly wrong way. Feel free to stick some more pictures up. I know I can always pop out to the shed if I want to see a green and yellow British Eagle but somehow it's always nice to see someone else's...

Captain Cosmic: they really were HOOOOGE jockey wheels. As you can see from the pictures the mech itself is about a foot long. I thought I'd hit the big time when I got it for Christmas. :oops:
I agree, it's not hideous, but it is constructed entirely from pressed steel and plastic. That's actually an early, possibly Japan only part, but there was a 60GS rear derailleur that looked much like the 100/200 GS parts but was (remarkably) both heavier and less durable - probably why I can't find an image of one.

And if 60GS is a little too crappy for you - there was an upgrade without getting carried away and buying 100GS, Drencrom's pic:


Basically anything below 300LX is disposable garbage - if you can get 12 months of use from it you've done alright.