we down under suffer with high hot windy summers ..days ....
what is stopping you riding a gym high tech bike even heart monitored ...as seen in this example....it will really open your eyes into the real and improve it .
my last sample....
Workout Name,Quick
,Elapsed Time,00:44
,Distance,0.4451 Km
,Distance Climbed,33 meters
,Average Speed,36.5182 KPH
,Average Pace,1:39 / Km
,Calories / Hour,655
,Product Type,RecumbentBike
,Date and Time,03/02/2013 11:41:48
what stops me riding a trainer/stationary bike/turbo trainer is lack of actually being outside and riding!
i just wish winter didn't suck so much! thankfully we're hopefully coming into the better weather now and this winter for me hasn't been too bad, january was a bust due to work and then illness but up until december i was going quite well, then february has been pretty reasonable, i wasn't at the back riding in Moab, so now it's just a case of keeping going and hopefully getting in good shape for the summer
todays ride it felt like today was possibly the end of winter, very risky to say that i know but it was sunny and i was wearing shorts, little chilly but not bad
here is also a fact....you may not have seen ....whilst your on a bike ....
even inside / not....have you been filmed ?...as viewing it yourself ....may open your eyes even to leg stretch...seat position..crank/toe ...etcetc...
got out today, usual ride, 20miles in the new forest, the P7 hasn't been out in a while so i thought it was about time, 2 night shifts now, then a day off which hopefully i'll be riding on then 4 day shifts followed by 2 nights so not much chance next week IMG_1237 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
I usually don't cross the chain that often, in this case it's in 2nd sprocket at the back but I'd sort of challenged myself not to drop into the middle ring on the climb just before this gate so I can live with it