I don't like MTB ebay & marketplace watch


Dirt Disciple
This takes all the fun out of looking for local bargains on ebay. I've seen several bikes that have taken my eye, local and collect only, only to find that they've been highlighted on that forum and the bidding shoots up.

This may be a coincidence and I'm being selfish and irrational I know, but it spoils the fun of the chase :evil: :evil:
But in the past I would not have got something had it not been outed so I quite like it and dont fool yourself into thinking if it is not in the ebay section you will get a bargain, its rare these days to find a real good deal. Mind you it is a bit of a bummer when you really want summit and it pops up in here :LOL:
I have the exact opposite opinion. I've come across items that I wanted, but where I was not the only one. If you know more people are interested, it's always possible to talk to them.
I've backed out of a few items I wanted because others wanted them too, and others have done the same for me. So it can help you to get them cheaper as well.

It just depends on the item in question and how desperately people want it.
It is also great for posting up to find out what things are.
Good for people to advertise their own ebay auctions on
and it brings in revenue for RetroBike to keep the site running so you have a place to be grumpy about the auctions :D
Hint; don't look in the places everyone can look. I saw a GT LTS 3 in the local paper where my Sister lives for 50 quid a few weeks ago, i was just visiting, so I didn't bother, but it goes to show what's out there.
As I said at the start I know it's selfish and irrational and said a bit tongue in cheek and I know it's useful as lots of people do find out about stuff from it.
