I do love building wheels!


The purists out there probably won't like my stickers. Back to the spokes...

That you are building your own wheels is an accomplishment that for any cyclist or mechanic worth their salt and is something to be highly commended and encouraged.

Sheldon Brown: "Learning to build wheels is an important milestone in the education of an apprentice mechanic. A "mechanic" who has not mastered this basic skill cannot be considered to be a fully-qualified, professional, and will always feel inferior to those who can list wheelbuilding among their skills".

Having fully dismantled a wheelset to save the hubs, it kind of gave me a feel for what's involved. I definitely want to have a go building my own wheels, mainly so that I can build my own choice of spec.


I remembered there was a practical purpose to this alignment obsession. This morning's deluge signaled the end of summer. With lots of lake sized puddles lapping over the roads, there was opportunity to roll over sharp debris hidden in them. Got a puncture (boo!). Did the submerge tube in basin of water thing to find the bubbles and found the hole. Fixed it. Because the tyre logos are aligned with the valve, I could pin point exactly where the sharp object was embedded in the tyre – in line with the zero of Raceking 2.0 (non-driveside).
Absolutely, tire logo/valve stem alignment is all about finding that sharp item lodged in your tire... It's key in a land of thorns, wire from truck tires and glass.

I love building wheels too. It's methodical, careful and repetitive work that calms the soul. Raw linseed oil is best for spoke nipple prep.


Does tyre alignment calm the soul of the OCDer? For sure - until they notice half way through a ride, that their baggy-fitting tyre's slipped half an inch to the right!
Set thee free I say ;)
FSXStumpy":3nollvbs said:
Absolutely, tire logo/valve stem alignment is all about finding that sharp item lodged in your tire... It's key in a land of thorns, wire from truck tires and glass.

I love building wheels too. It's methodical, careful and repetitive work that calms the soul. Raw linseed oil is best for spoke nipple prep.


Good tip, never thought of using linseed oil before.


There was consternation when I realised that the tyres logos (drive side & non-drive side) were printed offset by an inch to each other – this presented a dilemma as to which one to use to line the valve up with :facepalm: Help – do I need some medication?

I know someone who flushed linseed oil inside throughout their frames to inhibit rust – has anyone else tried this or used similar?

Last night's build - new wheels for my new disc road bike, a set of hope Pro4 on LightBicycle 35mm toroidal rims with DT aerospeed spokes that have been tied and soldered. These are going to get some serious use; I'm currently putting in 10,000km a year on the road bike so these aren't going to be fair weather wheels!





Holy wow! Nice wheels there. The Hope logo and 'O' of 'Pro' all aligned with the valve too. Very interesting to see the soldering detail on the spokes – does this make the wheels quite rigid? Is the 10,000km part of training?
Re: Re:

pete_mcc":2aota8zk said:
Last night's build - new wheels for my new disc road bike, a set of hope Pro4 on LightBicycle 35mm toroidal rims with DT aerospeed spokes that have been tied and soldered. These are going to get some serious use; I'm currently putting in 10,000km a year on the road bike so these aren't going to be fair weather wheels!

how did they build up? i'm considering a set