How to spot a good restoration project?


Retro Newbie
Hi All,

I've recently moved to London from the colonies, and am having to adjust from being a car owner to a bike owner (not such a bad thing!).

I've been commuting 30km on a Hackney single speed, which is... "fine", but needs money spent on it soon. I'm also really bored at home, I've always had project cars in NZ, but they aren't a feasible option here. What's the solution? Project bike!

Being new to bikes, I'm a bit overwhelmed by the number of brands/models/variations. My goal is a solid commuter that can cross over and be okay for the odd weekend ride too. I'm picturing a 10 or 12 speed maybe. I probably don't want anything particularly valuable (it's going to be parked outside my front door overnight etc, and I'm a bit poor), but I also don't want to be polishing a turd. I am mechanically minded, and I'm open to almost any size project.

I've got my head round a few things, like Reynolds 531 being a good sign, any other markers that might indicate a decent frameset or equipment? Or the inverse, things to stay away from? I'm primarily browsing gumtree/ebay/facebook.

I'm sure this has been asked 1000 times, but I didn't turn up much by searching the forum, sorry!
you live in London, simply answer is don't, it will get nicked.

Stay in the shallow end of the pool, buy cheap, do minimum, leave it looking rough and park it next to things that look better.

If you could leave it inside when your not using it, then I'd suggest differently and be recommending langsters and london roads as a good option to dip your toe.
Appreciate the input!

Keeping it on our 2nd floor terrace is an option too, and it's pretty secure at work. Could you expand on London Roads, is that a model? Google isn't helping on that one.

I need to find something to do, or I'm going to end up spending too much money on the junky Chinese frame I've got.
Appreciate the input!

Keeping it on our 2nd floor terrace is an option too, and it's pretty secure at work. Could you expand on London Roads, is that a model? Google isn't helping on that one.

I need to find something to do, or I'm going to end up spending too much money on the junky Chinese frame I've got.
planet X, london road bike. can normal find them second hand on ebay, they are ok, relatively modern and thus easy to upgrade.

if you want something more vintage/classic then carlton and raleigh mid range frames from the 70s/80s can be found easy enough on ebay as frame only and you spec your own parts.
Maybe a Carlton Cyclone or Grand Prix would possibly fit the bill 🤔
GP would be my go to. reasonably nice frame to ride, not top end but not bottom either. I don't ride mine anymore, I've decided I don't like vintage bikes. (ducks and covers, :) )


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If you're planning to commute whatever the weather, then slightly fatter tyres and mudguards are a must. Especially the latter. Otherwise the bike and your clothes will be ruined in no time

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