How to avoid having your arse reshaped?

Proper chamois cream. It's the way to go.

Enjoy the minty freshness of Assos (reasonably priced too) or

NAPPY CREAM as it stops chafing and has additives to keep your bot-bot fresh or

ATRIXO hand cream works as well. Lemon is nice.

Psedocreme doesn't work as it's no lube in it.
Arse Hurty

Udder cream (yes for Dairy-Cows) is the best! :shock: -no really, treats Mastitus in cows absorbs in well and has a cooling effect, it's so good a lot of Cosmetic companies are now selling it for cracked and sore skin
Also I'd recomment a Use Ti post, thinner and takes a lot of the sting out of trail buzz and WTB saddle with a leather top, leather is way more comfy than synthetic covers..
Also don't be fooled into thinking, high bars and low saddle, as this puts way more pressure on your rear, which is why most racers adopt an Arse up attitude, not only are you more streamlines, but it places more weight on your feet and hands. If you watch any pro road cyclist, you will see they barely touch the saddle. most of their weight is taken on the hands and feet, with their bum only skimming the saddle.
I'm not sure I want to rub something into my nether regions that I've had to purchase at a farm supply store :roll: