How to avoid having your arse reshaped?

just get a good healthy supply of emla cream for before, during and after! it will take the edge off any aches & chafes while the sudocrem does the healing & lubricating bit.

if your worried about the excess weight of sudocreme, try metanium... its made with titanium so its got to be lighter!!!
i don't know where but there are places that can measure your behind & supply saddles to suit. ps) look at a picture of a pelvis, there are two sit bones and the frame aruond the pereneum, the load is supposed to be spread around this area, hence the saddles with the squidgy centres.
I remember mbuk once describing sudocream as "arse magic" and that's exactly what it is.
make sure the angle of the seat is right as the numbness of the gentlemans vegetables come into play.
get the right saddle. lots can be recommended but only you will know what feels right. I like rolls and san marco ponza, others swear by brooks but make sure of 2 things 1. its not a cheap saddle, 2, its made with good quality material. charge, brooks, fizik, san marco ect don't have the reputation they do by making crap. but try some out and see what feels good
I find altering my saddle position (tilt mainly and even fore/aft a bit) can alter a saddle from being a pain in the arse to comfy. I'm not talking much either, just a 'tweak'.
Arse Magic or not, Sudocrem isn't going to help if your saddle is the wrong shape for your botty.
Is your SLR the 135gm, 165 or what?
I had a very comfy 165gm one but couldn't handle the minimally padded 135.
It may have nothing to do with the saddle and thet your glutes etc simply aren't used to the miles.

Note: I have no idea how much riding you've been doing other than the recent few 30mile rides but its quite common for people who suddenly increase their road miles to find their a$re gets sore for the first few longer rides simply as they aren't used to being in the saddle that long.
suburbanreuben":2cfwzkxj said:
Arse Magic or not, Sudocrem isn't going to help if your saddle is the wrong shape for your botty.
Is your SLR the 135gm, 165 or what?
I had a very comfy 165gm one but couldn't handle the minimally padded 135.
It's the 135g one.
I may switch over to a use saddle I have that I did the London to Brighton on a few years ago, as I survived that one.