Currently own three bikes (some more 'modern' than others...) - not sure how suspension comes into it as being a mark of non-retro, more a personal choice of what suits your riding and terrain. Personally, having had rigid bikes, FS and hardtails over the years I always go back to rigid - it's what I grew up with and what works for me. As is singlespeeding - so my most modern bike and the one I ride 99% of the time has a front disc (a 'retro' M755!), XTR V, Easton Carbon risers, Campag cranks, 959's Mavic Crossrides etc. Just what works, is dependable and good value - with a little 'individuality' thrown in. One thing I would never shun is modern rubber, a Thomson stem and ODI Ruffians...
Compared to the Swiss Army Bike though the '91 Orange and '98 Chameleon are state of the art!
Compared to the Swiss Army Bike though the '91 Orange and '98 Chameleon are state of the art!