I had a silver/red combo back in the day. Can't remember what happened to them and I am looking for a silver/silver or silver/black combo to go on my AMP.
Haven't seen a complete combo for sale in all the time I have been on this site - not sure if that means that people hang onto them or they broke :?
These turn up every now & then, usually the bars more than the barends (so what happened to the barends??!).
So whilst they aren't common I dont think that makes them particularly valuable either.
The barends are pretty much useless unless you have the USE bar to put them on. But you could USE the bar with other bar ends I guess.
I misread previous post as pointing that bars are bent.
While I'm not familiar with USE parts (only know some of them are very light) I hazard guess, that barends can be fitted on both sides (front correct) (rear wrong).
Hope that clears it little bit.