How much is my BMX worth thread?

Late 70's or perhaps 1980 Nishiki / Redline

I have owned this bike since new. It was given to me as an end of the season bonus by the shop that I worked in. We had special ordered the frame for the son of a South American ambassador. He had paid a substantial deposit and then never came to pick it up. After it legally passed into the hands of the shop, it was given to me. I believe it was given to me in 1979 but after 30-plus years I might be off by a few years. The frame is apparently identical to certain Redline frames. I built the bike up with what I could afford and raced on it for a couple of years. It was then stored away for a couple decades before being used by a couple nephews and then both of my daughters. I'm now thinking of selling it.

The componentry is reasonably good and is in good nick, including the original tyres (with the fatter front and narrower back) and first generation Shimano DX pedals. Unfortunately, back in the 80's, the parents of snotty spoiled kid convinced me to let their son have my gol anodized left-hand Takagi/Shimano Tourney crank as he had destroyed his. I put on a Super-Maxi in its place and whereas teh Super Maxi is a far better crank quality-wise I expect that teh value will take a hit for the mismatched cranks.

Anybody able to give any ideas as to potential value.


There are a few other photos here:
Would any of you guys on this section have an idea what this Maxy Cross crankset would be worth. I bought it with single speeding a bike in mind but with no such project on the horizon, I'm looking to sell them on.

There's some surface corrosion to the silver crank faces and the ano is a little faded but tapers, threads and chainring are all good.

Appologies for this being my only post on this section but it's been a long time since I've been on a BMX.


  • Maxy Cross.webp
    Maxy Cross.webp
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Hi there clean and mint one's around £60 - £80+ depending on the buyers needs

the corrosion is the killer here as it will not polish out with out needing the whole lot sorting out - and that means reannodising and then polish/sanding back to the siver

my call would be around £30-£40 but on ebay it might get more but depends on how it was sold on there

cheers B :wink:
hi gents......its a rare foray into this dark corner of rb for me, i have a friend asking as to the value of this bike.......

.....original spec, and very little, if any, use.....all help appreciated....darren :D
Hi there - it's a Raleigh black burner mk 2 1984/5
It is classed as a standard burner in the line up - but still is a nice ride

It looks all there bar the pad set (red, black lettering)

for the best it needs to be cleaned by some who knows what they are doing, so's not to damage it in any way

it looks clean and in good shape but hard to tell from the photo

i would say £135+ - better pic's would help - if you put it on ebay the bidders will tell you what the price is in the end

in the right hands it could come up very well

cheers B :wink:
A friend asked me if this is worth anything but as I don't know much about BMX's I thought I'd ask here. It's a Yuh Jiun Joker and I have more photos if anyone is interested.


  • DSCF0608small.webp
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Hi there mate,

Right, not many of these about - rare yes, but sort after may be the question ? well yes and no - in one way it is rare and so would be nice in a collection, but the flip side is that it is a cheaper end BMX that was shipped in and sold in only a few bike shops/toy shops or catalogues

looks around 82-83ish (any serial numbers ?)

It's a Taiwan company that was one of the largest bicycle manufacturers but not heard of over here

so what's it worth ? well depends on the buyer and where sold

cheaper parts - mags may not be up to heavier weight when ridden

on here maybe £40-£50+
on ebay maybe more to some one who doesn't know so much about bmx's and just wants it for it's looks

in all a rare - good looking bmx - cheaper end cheaper parts

saying that put it on ebay if no one on here wants it and see what the end price is from a low start

hope this helps a little - cheers B :wink:
How about mine? Not that its going to be sold ;)

84' Curtis Freestyler
Just waiting on my NOS shimano sx pedals, odi mushrooms and aeroyal seat to arrive.. Then just a pad set to find..


