How much is my BMX worth thread?

Sink":31xd85h6 said:
What's it worth? from what i've researched its a 98 GT performer, if anyone knows different please let me know, this was a bootfair find and pretty rusty, but cleaned up well, I've added 80's acorn mags and removed the giro for a linear cable.

I also have the origanal GT wheels and GT boots with the nooblies on the side still intact. Also have all 4 original stunt pegs, I just prefer the look without.

It's a 2000 not a 98
Skid":1u3lneao said:
Sink":1u3lneao said:
What's it worth? from what i've researched its a 98 GT performer, if anyone knows different please let me know, this was a bootfair find and pretty rusty, but cleaned up well, I've added 80's acorn mags and removed the giro for a linear cable.

I also have the origanal GT wheels and GT boots with the nooblies on the side still intact. Also have all 4 original stunt pegs, I just prefer the look without.

It's a 2000 not a 98

Do you know this for sure? over on the BMX museum i have looked through all the GTs and it looks to be as the 98 models. I can't work out the serial numbers, seems to have 2 sets. Any help apprieciated. :D

I see now the difference in the decals, so would agree this looks to be a 2000 :wink: Any help on working out the serial numbers would be cool :D
My brother has this Raleigh Styler:


He wants to sell it and is after a valuation. I'm not a BMX person so I have no idea.


It's always hard to say from just one pic

it look good condition from what i can see - closer might show more marks

the syler was at the end of the line (bar the run out models ) of Raleigh's bmx's after the burner range

this would have been around '87 ish

looks to have all the fleccys on it and the pad set - Raleigh branded mags with cheng shin tires

better pic's might give a better idea

you can sell as is or give a wash and show it off better (but on a light wash - don't try to clean it up too much )

i have seen them go from £60 - £120 for a good clean chrome styler

but ebay can be a funny place - it might go higher :D or go lower ? :(

is he going to sell it on here or ebay ?

hope this helps

cheers B :wink:
bought off ebay recently but told i cant keep it :( have added some bear traps and a new rear tyre. also cleaned and polished up the chrome. so in total its cost me £35 would i see that back easily enough?


all chrome is very good, paint too.
best bet is Ebay unless some one wants to make you a offer ?

now to get the best out of a sale

1. wash it well - a clean looking bike will sell better than a dirty can't see what yer buying bike

2. use a good camera or phone - picturing it with a bad camera, you might as well get a five year old to draw it with crayons

3. where to picture it - it can be some where clean looking as the back of the bins might suggest rubbish - skate park is good as it's where it might be riding by new buyer - near a cool car, that might suggest a cool car

4. describe it well - good points ~ has these parts, and rides well - bad points can be pointed out in a different way ~ some rust but can be removed with a little work or repaint for your own style and to stand out in the summer sun

this can increase sales - now add in when to sell it on ebay - put it on so it goes over the weekend and they watch it till wednesday and they want it buy then - end of the month peeps don't have spare money ~ a week after payday all the bills have been paid and a little cash going free

when all these bits are looked into then you might get a bit more money :wink:

hope this helps a bit - cheers B :wink: