How Many Bikes Do You Think You Have Owned Over The Years….?

What a brain exercise!
Not counting the BMX/kids bikes…
37 mountain bikes
41 road bikes
35 commute / funky builds
6 tandems
3 E bikes
Oy, not counting team supplied bikes that I had to return.
These are not quick turns for $$ or sales (it doesn’t count till you’ve racked up at least 500 miles per bike).
Have bought and owned over 600. Many I didn't have for more than a week. To build a collection of 89 buy and resell many as you strive to increase the quality. Naturally you keep the best and sell the rest.
Personal bikes since 8 years of age
- Huffy Cheater Slick
- Schwinn Suburban
- Sekine
- Sekai 2500 LTD
- Panasonic DX 4000
- Panasonic DX 5000
- Panasonic Pro ATB
- Panasonic PICS
- Panasonic MC 7500
- GT Team Avalanche
- GT Xizang LE
- GT Edge Ti
- GT Jelly Belly Carbon

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