Bit of fun - How long as a percentage of your life have you owned your bike?

I built up this Aende as a student in 1979. My avatar shows it in the first few months I had it, though I bought the frame second-hand. It was pink then (don't think I have any colour photos of it then, which may be just as well), but it's had two resprays since. I make it currently approaching 69.5% of my lifetime. Some changes of equipment, but the chainset and gears are pretty original and the bars and stem are still period. The pedals and brakes are more 90s:

I've owned/ridden bikes for 83% of life, owned ridden my Carlton Corsair for 66% of my lifespan. I recently bought a Garmin Edge and it's encouraged me back to riding nearly every day.
I have fond recollections of a Carlton Corsair (but not mine). It was owned by one of my schoolfriends, who was one of a small group of us who used to ride everywhere (prior to getting our driving licences ...). Sadly, he died of a heart attack in his sleep, shortly after his 41st birthday! It came back to mind recently, when I saw a Corsair come up for sale on eBay.
Owned my first FAT 60% of my life and it will go into the ground with me. IMG_4028.webp
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My oldest and love bicycle is now 35% and going up!!! It is not pre 1997, so no more pics but will be with me many years. I have spares for 10 more years running daily and I run only 2 times per month in winter and every week in summer. I even have a spare fork and spare set of wheels in 26"