How long has everyone been riding?


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
GT Fan
Seriously riding that is....not riding since Dad took the stablisers off for the first time! :LOL:

For me, since thats 16 years.

But then I did hang up my lycra for a few years and just faffed, so I would say seriously about 12 years.

What about you lot then?
I started riding again in '95.......I hadn't ridden a bike in 10years before that.
85 to 92 seriously then 2006 to present - shocking but you know if you're into it you will always return, its the same for many cyclists I believe.
Started at school, I'd say 1992 with my first MTB a Diamond Back Sorrento. Started racing in 1993 on my Kona Kilauea I was lucky becuase out school allowed us to do cycling instead of rugby or cross country! Slowed down through uni and early 20's then back with a vengance the past 5 years.
'87 on a Mustang, progressed to Fisher after saving from car washing, paper rounds etc only to get it nicked while doing exams at college in '92... Stopped for a bit after getting into cars, booze then the ravescene and all that came with that ;) Well back into it now though. :LOL:
Well, going on my " abilities" on a bike last sunday, then i would say 1 day :LOL:
I used to race bmx bitd, nothing to serious just the sort of comps organised locally. About 6 years on them
2 years road bikes. And if i count up mtb years then 14 years...
6 years [ 2 racing ] 7 year gap and 8 since 2000.
When I was younger, from the age 11 to 14 years old, I used to do BMX racing in the south west area, I was average but my younger sister was pretty good, she was the south west champion and came fourth in the UK finals at Derby with the best riders of the whole UK. I didnt cycling after I quit BMX for a couple years until I bought a secong hand Marin 1993 and been cycling every since, I been through 3 Marin's and 1 Cannondale which I had it since 1999, so I say 15 years now, mostly for pleasure, keep fit and off road sometimes, I got the retro bug now and likes the old steel Kona's bikes best.
1990 really...then had a break around 2000 until recently...this site rekindled my interest (and battered my wallet :roll: )

Back then I was a 200 miles a week guy...

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