How do I transfer Raleigh badge?

Is the head badge riveted or just stuck on?

If it's riveted on, I'd remove the headset and cups from the bike with the badge, then use a half round file to file off the rivet heads on the inside of the head tube. I'd then file the back of the badge flush and use a strong double sided tape or perhaps epoxy to stick it on the other frame. If it's just stuck on, you'll have to tray and pry it off carefully.
Should be able to lever it off carefully with a small screwdriver then glue and lightly hammer it onto the new frame.
Rampage":26lwhx8v said:
Should be able to lever it off carefully with a small screwdriver then glue and lightly hammer it onto the new frame.

So is it possible to tap out the rivets/screws from the inside of the head tube so that I can reuse the holes on the new frame?

Thanks everyone :)
The pins are just a tight fit IIRC.
They may be slightly splayed out at the end, but I've always been able to get the whole thing off including the pins using a small screwdriver, being very careful, working around it and taking my time.