How come I end up being the bad guy...

I really really dont have the capacity to understand the behaviour or just how people work

It was shit parking, I asked them to park it better, I am now the one totally at fault because I dared to cross the line and express some sort of emotion beyond constant serenity. The other half is now angry with me . I have the neighbour banging on my door on a saturday night, refusing to leave, then spilling all their whoes to the other half . I am the prick in all this.

I have taken responsibility for my own actions yet I see no evidence of my neighbour asking their friend to park better but because their friend has had a bad day, I'm now expected to accept their behaviour as acceptable thus burdening me with responsibility of minding my own business and keeping my mouth shut
nah, its always me, its always my fault for simply existing
No. There's a children's play park there, on the other side of the road in the photo; if parents have to take their children into the road to walk around the boot of that car, they're being placed at unnecessary risk. The pavement is there for a good reason. If you'd said nothing and a child was hit by a car, you would justifiably regret it. Saying something was the responsible thing to do and showed integrity, regardless of what anyone else thinks. It's as simple as that.
ring doorbell you say, that's bunny hopping out of the question then. On a more serious note, I've seen in the news an elderly fellow stepped in and said something to some lads being oiks and one of them hit him and the elderly fellow died. It's just not worth trying to intervene, scream the obscentities in your head, but just leave the morons alone to be morons. That has become my approach these days.