Hope Evo cranks. Fakery?

He knows they are fake.

He’s not used “Hope” as the brand anywhere and that’s the first thing anyone would do when listing these. He’s been a little clever really if you think about it.

To be fair though … the price and lack of detail would of made me question it
I took a risk for sure, but knew I'd be covered by eBay should anything happen. Sometimes bargains are out there, sometimes they turn out not to be.
If he now wants them back after agreeing to a partial refund where you got to keep them, I would only do so if he now agrees to a full refund.
He thinks he's pulled another fast one by getting you to agree to the partial refund, thinking he's got ebay/Paypal off his back and is now going back on the agreement he made. He's not to be trusted to stick to an agreement unless it is enforced by ebay/Paypal.
If he now wants them back after agreeing to a partial refund where you got to keep them, I would only do so if he now agrees to a full refund.
He thinks he's pulled another fast one by getting you to agree to the partial refund, thinking he's got ebay/Paypal off his back and is now going back on the agreement he made. He's not to be trusted to stick to an agreement unless it is enforced by ebay/Paypal.
I agree. I've ignored a barrage of messages from him for a while. Will dip back in and see what he's got to say.
Yup, 100% that. Full refund agreed by Paypal and return the cranks to him at his cost, or keep and partial refund. No half ways, he sounds like a fly chancer.

What I find mad here is that aside from the etched rather than machined details is that I would have said the red cranks in those pics were the fakes, not the black!
Now he's kicking off, wanting to send someone round to collect them as he's out of pocket in his words. Got to love eBay sellers.

When that happened to me with a fake item I offered to call the police.

I got my refund from ebay and the scammer was never heard from again. the item went in the scrap
Hers the monologue so far, in order of receipt:

Ok… so you won’t send back!
I will come and get them but won’t be till end of June beginning of July, I’ll ring you when I’m coming as will be in Surrey.
I’ll then give you your £7 back as well

You have not paid for them they are not yours, and I don’t care what eBay says, I’m getting them back!

Can you tell I’m P’ed off with eBay… won’t be using eBay again
Sounds like he's being a bit threatening. I'd ping that onto eBay too as threatening messages aren't accepted by them at all and they take a dim view of it. I'd just reiterate to him that you'll happily send back if he refunds in full via an eBay agreement, and that's the only way. He needs to cover postage. Any further threatening messages will result in him being reported to the police for both selling counterfeit goods, and behaving in a threatening manner online. Sounds like a bellend. What's his user ID so we can avoid him?

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