Home Foundry and Backyard Metal Casting. Anyone doing it?


Senior Retro Guru
That damn pesky Syncros top cap has got me interested in trying my hand at casting it from aluminum in my backyard.

Has anyone here tried backyard metal casting?
I keep meaning to try it.
But you can always get stuff cast by either someone into home casting or a local foundry. I have stuff cast, the first item I made I was going to do it myself, but someone on the yahoo hobbicast group offered to do it for me. However I found a local foundry and have settled for getting everything done by them.
not done it at home but used to be a toolmaker in a foundry
i think you'll struggle to get a clean part without a pressure die
and your still going to have to machine it to finish it

if you draw the part up in cad with the 15 degree (iirc) angle that the part has ,when viewed down the middle you'll see that the elongation is minimal , minimal enough to get away with keeping it circular
therefore machine the underside (that goes into the stem) with a tapered face ,drill the hole and counterbore at the 15 degree angle and it works fine
The basic skills & methods we'll explain to you have been successfully employed by people who have never before tried their hand at metal casting. Once you understand the basics of this metal craft, then the sky is the limit.
The more people who can invest successfully the better off

CHICAGO, Illinois November 8, 2012 – A Chicago newspaper is reporting that Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. is in the midst of negotiating a plea deal with the feds for his alleged misuse of campaign funds – one day after the critical November election.

The embattled son of civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson won re-election to his 10th term by 64% of the vote.

According to Michael Sneed, a columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times, the plea negotiations involve the federal criminal investigation into Jackson’s possible use of campaign funds to redecorate his DC home.

Read more: $40K Rolex, post-election plea deal for Jesse Jackson Jr.? (VIDEO) | Washington Times Communities
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