Holdsworth Frame Numbers

Double checked the serial number just now. It's on the forward bottom bracket. 60171. In general it's a 531 frame with Haden lugs. Sort of a pinkish salmon color just like in the catalogs. Stronglight cranks, suntour mechs, diacompe cantis and a big rear drum brake. The only modifications I've made to it are replacing the brake handles and using an old Suntour Command shifter to make the drum into a drag brake - an idea I picked up on another forum.


Looks like the "Holdsworth" Gemini tandem is a Marlboro and thus not a Holdsworthy factory era frame. Thus serial number is not in a sequence that is listed in Dave's prediction which applies to only "real" Holdsworths. Marlboro took over the name in 1985.

Probably it is the 1987 Marlboro catalogue listed by Kilgariff ("printed late in 1986"), you are referring to? Is this your tandem? Nice!
http://www.nkilgariff.com/HoldsCats/Cat ... alogue.htm



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That's my tandem all right with a few differences from the specs in that catalogue. Mine doesn't have the "Gemini" decals along the top tubes. Mine has Suntour XC mechs rather than the Suntour Cyclone mechs in the specs. Mine also has Wolber Super Champion rims rather than Rigidas. I converted it to flat handlebars, but just recently converted it back to the drop bars in preparation for selling it. As is common with tandems, the Missus will have nothing to do with it after a couple of harrowing trial rides. This is just too nice of a bike to sit in my garage not being ridden. Hopefully I can find a good local home for it.

Hopefully this photo appears.


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I am exchanging emails with VCC's Holdsworth marquee enthusiast regarding my frame.
He also places it around 34-36.

Also told me that he has, on register, one more number lower than mine: No. 0496, a Tornado, possibly from 1933.

He is looking to provide me, and thus here, some pictures of it.
Thanks, that would be good to know. With so few numbers from early 30's its difficult to place them, but I would say your frame is early to mid 30's and no latter. Need more number really.
Since I shared these photos privately with CBguy, I thought I'd post them for the group. These are my two "shop" bottom brackets and bikes.

- Eric


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