Hit by car!! Anyone else have a war story?

1994 cycling to work (Hampton court to Slough) half way stop at junction as lights red. Lights go green i go to pull away. That was the last thing i remember.
Got hit up the back by a car. Spent a couple nights in A & E. Nothing broken. just chipped tooth.

Lucky i had sh*ty road bike and wasn't riding my Klein or Trimble :) Nice pay out

Riding my first MF (purple bb white frame version) just left work and changing the settings to the computer. 25 mph was the last thing i remember i went in to back of a parked Austin 1100 flew over the rear. Made it half way before landing on the side edge with the rain guide cutting in to upper chest. Lucky out side a doc's surgery. lots of stitches. Evening in A & E
I got a whack on the elbow from a van mirror once. He didn't stop.

I was taken out by a camper van pulling out in front of me on a hill once. Lots and lots of gravel rash and nylon burn to my hip. B@stard didn't stop either, but the guy in the car behind him did, and he had his reg. :x

The most bizarre one I ever had though was being taken out by a moving 6 berth frame tent! I was riding down a lane to a supermarket on a campsite one windy day when a fully assembled 6 berth frame tent just lifted over the dry stone wall into the road in front of me. No time to stop I went straight through it, tearing a huge hole as I passed through, and tumbled down the road after it!

Folks had been putting it up when a gust of wind caught it (they hadn't pegged the frame down first - muppets). They found it very funny, but I spent another evening picking gravel from my palms. It was karma to see it in the field held together with duct tape the next day :LOL:
Woman opens the drivers door whilst parked and without looking :shock:
FUKC :shock:
So there is me lying on the road and she asks 'are you ok?' yeah i replied but i'd be a bit better if you hadnt opened your fukcing door without looking.I went on to say this is the last time a friggen driver is going to get away with this.She says[as its outside here work] that she cant stop and f's off into it.
I follow here in and ask security[Weirs pumps] to go and get her.Security refuses[a big fat lump of an arsehole]
I call the police who tell me to tell the fat security guard that if he doesnt get here he'll be arrested for obstruction
Amazing how that affects arseholes :LOL: :LOL:
Ended up in the police station where here story was accepted and the Sgt thought i must have been riding too close to the parked cars
:shock: :shock:
I told him through gritted teeth that from now on im going to ride exactly in the middle of the road and if im blocking traffic, Tough titties.

Isn't it sad. We spend thousands rebuilding bikes where each part is hand selected and delivered from all parts of the world. Then we pleasantly enjoy a ride where we work and sweat to see what is around each corner. And with a blink of an eye some slouch of a being can sit on their hind end and eat a mcDonalds burger as they destroy our stride and in some cases most valued possession without even blinking and eye.

It's very rare a cyclist hits a cyclist. ignorance out weighs passion.
If I was hit on my expensive bike I doubt I could put into words what would have happened. But I guess that's why I have since parked my 1st bike. I keep it stored indoors safely where no one hopefully can touch it.

You have to hide your possessions from ignorance. Unfortunately it's all around us!!!!
I was riding home from work iwas dark just before christmas, as I approached a set of lights about 2 car lengths from the queing traffic I pulled into the centre of the lane that I was in, you know too stop the idiots from cutting us up, but she did a BMW X5 over took me and pulled so close to the kirb (side walk) I had to mount the kirb, I dropped off the kirb in front of her asked politly what the feck she was doing and she told me to F off, well that was the red rag. After the exchange of verbal chit chat I rode off the traffic light where red again and I was at the front of the que, the X5 was behind me asa the light went to red a cyclist rode across the junction forcing me to brake, the X5 ran striaght up my back end righting off my rear wheel. I am still awaiting the Police to get back to me. they are prosecuting her for various offences, the police man who was at the scene first was a cyclist also. my wife bought me a camra for christmas and I now use it every day. BE CAREFUL
never been hit by a car but i'm tempted to flatten 30+ roadies every weekend when the arrogant gits sit 3 / 4 abreast on fast but winding country lanes or 20+ in a gaggle all in their fancy club colours.

they should be stoned, tied to the towhitch of any passing car and dragged on their lycra clad arses for a mile to teach them a lesson.

'club' cyclists only succeed in giving people who enjoy the sport a bad name & make it more dangerous for us on the road by enraging drivers.