
Retro Newbie
Hi all,I am new here and would just say hi.
I don't know if this is the right place to write, hope yup.
My name is Federico from Italy and ride my 94 Yeti ARC 3/4 times a week.Soon i ll post few pics;)bye
Welcome... I have never managed to get the seemingly age old RB advice in on any of my posts but here it is........

Hide your bank cards, cancel your Paypal account, you will love the Retro shennanigans but hate the cost.... It's an addiction :LOL:

And get those pics up!!

Hope you love it like so many others.

Hi and welcome, now run for your life :D Never before in human history has so much been spent by so few on so little :D Enjoy.
stevetait":v76i1rt6 said:
Hide your bank cards, cancel your Paypal account, you will love the Retro shennanigans but hate the cost.... It's an addiction :LOL:

It's funny because it's true.
stevetait":fo989et5 said:
Welcome... I have never managed to get the seemingly age old RB advice in on any of my posts but here it is........

Hide your bank cards, cancel your Paypal account, you will love the Retro shennanigans but hate the cost.... It's an addiction :LOL:

And get those pics up!!

Hope you love it like so many others.

Now are you going explane the word Shennanigans to our new Italian member?

al. :D