Help with fitting Syncros Stem/Bar Combo

Once A Hero

Old School Grand Master
I’m struggling to fit a Syncros bar to a Syncros stem.

The independent shim should sit centrally in the stem, but try as I might I can’t open the stem clamp up enough to prevent the shim from closing up and stopping me getting the bar through whilst keeping the shim in the central position. It’s not a completely straight bar, but even the straight end part won’t fit through the shim whilst the shim is in the stem even without bolts.

Any tips on how I can open the stem clamp with one hand whilst feeding the shimmed bar in with the other?!?

The old coin trick won’t work because they are two clamp points.



Brute force. At least that is my experience. They are a pain to get aligned and installed. Wedging the stem works, but not ideal with 30 year old aluminium. But probably the only way to do.
Are you sure the bars are the correct diameter?
And the shim is the correct one for the stem/bar combo?
Have you tried fitting the shim on the bar, and then trying to get it into the stem?
In the past I've used a wide flat blade screwdriver (or something similar) wrapped in tape to prevent paint damage, to gently pry the clamp apart and get the bars into a stem. You have to go steady and not overdo it though. It may be that the stem has been used before without a shim and the clamp has closed up a little due to this, and just needs opening up slightly.
Brute force. At least that is my experience. They are a pain to get aligned and installed. Wedging the stem works, but not ideal with 30 year old aluminium. But probably the only way to do.
Brute force does seem the most likely. What did you wedge the stem with?
Are you sure the bars are the correct diameter?
And the shim is the correct one for the stem/bar combo?
Have you tried fitting the shim on the bar, and then trying to get it into the stem?
In the past I've used a wide flat blade screwdriver (or something similar) wrapped in tape to prevent paint damage, to gently pry the clamp apart and get the bars into a stem. You have to go steady and not overdo it though. It may be that the stem has been used before without a shim and the clamp has closed up a little due to this, and just needs opening up slightly.
Shim fits onto the bar no problem, and can close up a bit, but I’m not certain it’s the right clamp for the bar - simply the one that came with it.
You won't be able to feed the bar through the shim whilst it's in the stem. Fit it to the bar then feed into the stem (preferably with two coins slightly widening the bar clamp).
Always a pain to get the two lined up, I slide the bar and shim in together.