syncros shim/handlebar removal from cattleprod stem


Rocky Mountain Fan
Hi. i'm trying to remove a handlebar and shim from a syncros stem that i'm getting painted and i can't seem to get it out. Any tips from those that have done this before. I anticipated it would just slide out but i have wrecked the syncros stickers on the bar with my first attempt. I've also tried to pry the clamp out a bit more with a screwdriver. Maybe i just need some wd-40? IMG_3407.webp IMG_3406.webp
The screwdriver method should be fine. Perhaps try rotating the bars so the split in the shim aligns with the stem gap you are expanding, so that your screwdriver is doing both items. Usually the shim would move/come out with the bars, sounds like it might be stuck to the stem? If you can open that up a bit, hopefully the bars should slide out and removing the shim from the stem becomes easier as you can tap it out with a rubber mallet once the bars are out of the way.
I wouldn’t use a screwdriver as you’ll end up damaging the stem. Instead slide a couple of coins in the slit and screw the bolts in from behind. Tightening the bolts onto the coins will lever open the stem in a much more even, controlled way.
The screwdriver method is the "dumb" method

The clever method is to take a piece of aluminium, 2 coins or 2 washers and stick them in the grove of the clamping system. Then screw-in the 2 tightening screws from the back against the coins or washers or whatever you took! The clamp will widen enough so you can carefully slide out the shim with the handle bar.

You next problem will be getting the shim off the bar without scratching it :) But that is another story or tipp for you next time :)
I tried both ideas. the design of the stem did allow the bolts to be tightened in reverse and push on the stemmed to open it up further. the screwdriver worked a little. ultimately i took a rubber mallet to it and eventually came out. luckily spare bars. thx for the suggestions