help! Seatpost stuck in frame!

ive got one to get out now,ive chopped the top off it so i can bung it up proerly as it was hollow and not watertight when upside i have 2 options...which gets your vote??

stew-b":1zdkaaxp said:
ive got one to get out now,ive chopped the top off it so i can bung it up proerly as it was hollow and not watertight when upside i have 2 options...which gets your vote??


Ammonia didn't work on my frame, I'd try the other. Caustic Soda
Due to the snow and gale force winds I didnt go out to the shed to take pics!

Will post asap!


Ok, here is a pic of the situation to date.


Really struggling!

Got most of the parts for the build and have lined up Decals with Gil. Really want to get it painted!



I have found a chap that has a pilar drill in his workshop. I have bought a couple of large drill bits and aim to clamp the bike into the pillar drill and simply drill out the alloy seatpost.

Has anybody tried this? In theory it should be an easy job as the alloy is so soft. I would imagine the drill bit will eat through it.

Fingers crossed!

I've tried it on the infamous Brodie frame, handheld drill with a drill cup on a long extension. It works, slowly. It very noisy too. (I have to get ear protection before giving the last blow to my frame, and get a new cup, the first is gone).

Just stop every now and then to let the metal cool down and prevent the seat tube from warping... not that I should talk about being careful...
Good luck!
