Help please - Steel GT serial numbers

Not sure if you are still collecting these but I have a 1992 Karakoram T9201 2875 - interested in the paint on this one as it is black - and I don't think this was an option in 1992. I suspect it was repainted, but if so it was a while ago! I also have an 89 Talera in the garage - pre-triple triangle, I can get that one too if you are interested. IMG_1723.webp
I am definitely still collecting them, thank you.

Black was the alternative colour for the Karakoram in 1992. The same paint scheme as the alternative colour for the Karakoram Elite in 1991.

There should be one more part to the serial number, which I think will be A024. The '89 Talera number would be very helpful, thank you.
Yes, I think the Karakoram does have A024 of it - kinda hard to read with a torch :-). The Talera looks like T9002 1428. It is partially obscured by the low slung brake cable guides... So it is a 1990 bike, not an 89 as I thought!
Yes, I think the Karakoram does have A024 of it - kinda hard to read with a torch :). The Talera looks like T9002 1428. It is partially obscured by the low slung brake cable guides... So it is a 1990 bike, not an 89 as I thought!
What colour scheme is the Talera? Does it have a third part to the number too (008 maybe?) or is it hard to tell because of the cable guides?
In all seriousness. What do you attempt to achieve by chasing serial numbers on bicycles made in Japan and Taiwan over 30 years ago? Is it just an attempt to create a data base so that you can determine what a repainted no decal bike might have been?
Yes, pretty much just an interest in how they recorded the serial numbers in different factories and different years. It was helpful in giving me final confirmation in identifying my mix up between my 1993 Corrado and 1993 Richter 8.0
What colour scheme is the Talera? Does it have a third part to the number too (008 maybe?) or is it hard to tell because of the cable guides?
Can't really see because of the cable guides, but will be taking them off soon to repaint, so I'll drop you a note then. Its a strange kind of blue green colour, which is quite nice in the sunshine, but is impossible to photograph and get the same colour... weird... anyway the frame is solid, but...err...rough. So this will be a GT Talera Cruiser bike of sorts...thta's the plan anyway.
So, I have now found myself the owner of a 1990 Team Avalanche that is going to be a bit of a challenge to get back on two wheels... but that another story... Serial is 9002 002 0250.

Do you know what the E9-019930 number refers to?

So, I have now found myself the owner of a 1990 Team Avalanche that is going to be a bit of a challenge to get back on two wheels... but that another story... Serial is 9002 002 0250.

Do you know what the E9-019930 number refers to?

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Thank you. One of their most beautiful paint schemes too, in my opinion 😍

I guess there's a T under that sticker at the start of the serial number. I'm not sure about the umber on the sticker. I guess it could have been added by the dealer or a previous owner. I don't think the format is correct for Datatag, but could it be something similar?

Have you started a build thread? Looking forward to seeing the whole frame!
Yes, it was the paint work that persuaded my to buy it, even in the poor condition it is in. Rust everywhere and Seat, Bars, Stem, BB, wheel bearings... all seized. It took almost a week to un-seize everything and disassemble. I wanted to ensure it was salvageable before I started a thread!! I've been checking out a few other people's rebuild threads to get an idea...