Help identifying frame


Retro Newbie
Hey guys,

Please move thread if required.. suppose this is a hello, from a long time lurker...

I have a few bikes i have finally decided to restore, which i will put threads up on as and when i get started in earnest. But one frame in particular i have had knocking around for a while, and still struggle to get an identity for.. (sticker pun not intended)

Frame is Aluminium with external welds and box tubing at rear. Top and down tube have Elite marking, but otherwise no stamps on frame. Ignore the Identity sticker, I am certain its a red herring.

IMG_0096 by Matt Edge, on Flickr

IMG_0098 by Matt Edge, on Flickr

IMG_0100 by Matt Edge, on Flickr

IMG_0103 by Matt Edge, on Flickr

IMG_0104 by Matt Edge, on Flickr

IMG_0105 by Matt Edge, on Flickr

Thoughts and info welcome..


Other Projects:

95 Cannondale M800 Beast of the East
95 GT Zaskar
96 Orange Aluminium Elite
98 Cannondale F900

Whatever else eBay throws my way...

Coyote Ultralite? I'm sure if they were all painted from new but it could have stripped since.
Re: Re:

Mr.Toad":3smghwej said:
Control Tech?

Cant't find one to reference.. but thanks for the direction..

retrobikeguy":3smghwej said:
Looks a lot like a 1998 saracen kili to me, check the archive and gallery.

Square bottom tubes and different bottom bracket and chain stay area..?

fettler":3smghwej said:
Coyote Ultralite? I'm sure if they were all painted from new but it could have stripped since.

bottom bracket / chain stays again slightly different..

Read on the forum about Easton elite tubing and the mass market producing licensed frames.. this has it stamped in the frame on top tube and down tube...
ControlTech used to make the Schwinn "Home Grown" (along with another North West frame builder -not Yeti as myth has it) which has asimilar square section bottom yoke but that is about it.
Gerard":8joafarc said:
ControlTech used to make the Schwinn "Home Grown" (along with another North West frame builder -not Yeti as myth has it) which has asimilar square section bottom yoke but that is about it.

Yeah a Schwinn Home grown just popped up on eBay. Rear stays are curved, Similar. but not the same..

The stamp in the tubing is getting me, she's pretty well made, and light..

These things were a lot easier before Photobucket held us to ransom!

One image I did find was here, not sure if the coyote webbed sections changed over the years or if the guy's just got it wrong then. Points towards a Coyote HT3

Re: Re:

fettler":269fahqf said:
These things were a lot easier before Photobucket held us to ransom!

One image I did find was here, not sure if the coyote webbed sections changed over the years or if the guy's just got it wrong then. Points towards a Coyote HT3



Perfection.. Thats the fella. Coyote HT3 Thanks Fettler!