

Retro Guru
I am getting back in cycling, but over the years I have been riding I have never worn a helmet.

I am erring towards riding with one now, only to convince the kids to wear as well, but it feels limiting.

Do you all ride with helmets?
I've just got back into cycling after years away from it and all the magazines go to some lengths to convince new riders to wear helmets. Your point about making the kids one is worth thinking about - in a couple of years' time my daughter will be old enough to ride a bike and I'll be wanting to set an example!

You forget you're wearing a helmet after the first few kilometres anyway.
I rode for some 30 years without a helmet. After all those years I got a helmet for christmas in 2009. My family was concerned that I was taking longer and longer rides (over 100km) without one so they just bought me one.

So, not really wanting to, I've started wearing a helmet in Jan 2010. Six months latter I had a really stupid accident where I end up take a head dive. The initial hit (on the top of my head) was hard enough so that before the body hit the ground I had already lost my senses. The helmet was all smashed in and cracked. I believe had I not been wearing that helmet I would not be writing this today.

Although I still don't like it, a bit of that freedom felling just goes away, I always wear my helmet when I'm out and about. I got a replacement just like the old one.
Sorry, I am completely anti-helmets and against any compulsory wearing of helmets, even for racing.

Did anyone wear helmets a generation ago except for racing? Do the hundreds of millions of cyclist around the world who use their bikes everyday wear helmets? And yet when some people in the West who lead such cossetted, safe, comfortable lives get on a bike they have to put an overpriced lump of expanded polystyrene on their heads.

It's not surprising in the the UK the road lobby and motoring organisations like the AA are campaigning for compulsory helmet wearing.
Don't get me wrong. I am completely against any compulsory wearing of helmets too. It should be a personal choice.
jCymbal":igdsvv2s said:
Don't get me wrong. I am completely against any compulsory wearing of helmets too. It should be a personal choice.
Hmm, tricky one. On balance, I vote compulsory helmets. It's a minimal intrusion on personal liberties and potentially reduces a lot of heartache. I can see why you'd object, but would rather spend time on bigger problems. And I'm sure we could all think of a lot.
Helmets used to bother me when i was younger. But now, if your cycling on a road and a stupid driver pulls out in front of you well without a helmet, there is more risk of you well, getting hurt! £15~, an optional £15~ well i think its definetly worth it.

All these bad drivers or even if you miss judge a corner or get distracted and crash. £15 sounds good.

Or in a race or audax some novice mtb'r slams on with their cheap bike that cost the same amount as your handlebars and you crash and hit your head, it really hurts!

I fall off all the time, i don't know why but i just do!

Another thing, if you get hit by a car with a helmet on there is more chance of you winning a court case or something liike that.

I dunno im only 15.
In earlier days when I did had my license to race I did wear the helmet like Eddy M. does on follwing picture. :LOL: That was not my hobby, but required in competition racing. In training I did not wear it. Stubborn as I was then. :(

http://img.2dehands.be/f/normal/9140917 ... helmen.jpg

Nowadays I do wear the new model helmets. I can assure you they do fit better then the ones Eddy (and others and me) did use at the time. Also I did had to make an example a few years ago towards my kids. Which make use of them as well. No so stubborn as dad. :LOL:
no, I dont normally wear one I did try for it a year or so and then one ride without convinced me otherwise, mainly cos I'm a bit of a sweaty betty and a helmet only adds to this. Putting on a sodden smelly helmet fills me with no enthusiasm. I would wear one for mountain biking or for unlit night rides.
I use my bike for shopping/work/socials and dont want to carry round a helmet.
I personally dont buy into the "my helmet was cracked/smashed, so without, my head would have been so" - a helmet is a crumple zone designed to break, and whilst there could well be significant head injury, there is no guarantee it would have been so without.
I'm not inviting any stick on this, but dont insist my kids wear one. i dont want them growing up thinking cycling is a hazardous hobby requiring special protective clothing. If they want to ride a bike on an ad hoc basis, they should feel free to just pick one up and go.
Just like the person who forgoes paying for an insurance policy, I'm aware of the risks.
My tuppence anyway.
I never used to wear one, but the bulk of my cycling is commuting. Because of the stupidity of a select minority of drivers I started wearing one last year and I now feel it's essential kit for my commute. I don't always wear it when I'm out and about or in the park, but I won't do my commute without it.

Having come off motorbikes before, I wear it more for the scuff factor because the road surface makes surprisingly light work of peeling the scalp off. Also if I get knocked off the side and I'm clipped into my fixie, it'll hopefully stop that wing mirror or kerb stone giving me a nasty head bruise.