Hello! Muddy Fox Courier content... Pics.


Retro Newbie
Hello all,

Since inheriting my dads old Muddy Fox Courier I've been lurking on here for a while. I've been using it as my commuter/work bike, but recently got the trails bug so it's had an overhaul today with a new drivetrain and some v12s.
I'll get some pics up when it's finished, It's got the newer stickers (not the jam jar ones) So I think it's about an '89.

Sorry just noticed both the 'Introduce yourself' and the 'your bike sections'.

Ah well, needed to get the post count up.


Hey . i've be coming on here infrequently for years , and i dont have a clue where to post what either. dont worry about it.
i've just put one or two earlier courier pics up. In my gallery.
Get me . I'll be after a job in I.T. next....[/list]