Hello all!!

Rich":2a76drk3 said:
G'day Kelly!

Great to hear Jez is still enjoying himself...I think he singlehandedly set the UK alight in the early 90's with his bunnyhop competition against Mark Batt...how high did he manage to hop in the end?

My highest bunny was a poorman's 17"

If you're ever over in New Zealand, drop by for a cuppa!!! :)


Hello there, thanks for your message, god im not sure how high he managed in the bunny hop comps to set the record...... god he would kill me for not knowing after all these years of him talking about it to various people............oooppss......... oh well, will have to try and slip it into a conversation one day and try and find out!!!!! ha ha Thanks for the cuppa invite.... but jez will also need some bikkies to go with it!!!!! ha ha.
Anyway take care. Kelly. xx :D :D
Anyway, how the bloody hell are you all today? Ive had a crap day at work, im full of cold and have a pile of paperwork to do!!!
Jez is away at the moment, hes been working in central London and has just arrived in Scotland...... boy he gets around a bit my fella.... ha ha tis a good job he likes driving........ but hes not liking the fuel costs!!!!!...... but who is at the moment hey!?
Think i better go now and tackle some of this paperwork i have brought home from work. Chat to you soon. Kelly.xxx :D :D :D