Has anyone dropped acid......

Hmmm I'm down a rabbit hole of reading research papers and such ...I really should be doing other things 😂...nevermind a bit of learning isn't so bad! it seems that the process of extrusion and what it does to the tubes surface on a granular level is gonna be a hard thing to etch to the extent I'd like....the difference between 6k and 7k grade composition on a metallurgic level doesnt help too! Effectively in laymans terms the tube surface has a directional grain caused by the extrusion process so short of removing this "skin" it won't give a result 😐 and it's quite possibly not a good idea too I reckon for Integrity 😂 shame quite taken on the galvanised gas pipe look!
Oh well back to ghetto paint I think👍
Ghetto paint! Ghetto paint! Let out your inner artiste! Get some overalls drenched in various layers of eccentric colours, lock yourself in the shed and go to town, massage that paint into the tubes, use a leather whip to apply it, yee haw!
Ghetto paint! Ghetto paint! Let out your inner artiste! Get some overalls drenched in various layers of eccentric colours, lock yourself in the shed and go to town, massage that paint into the tubes, use a leather whip to apply it, yee haw!
I have just assembled a motley crew of half empty and dead aerosol cans....black,white,grey ...some must be years old! Will it go off? Dunno!
Is it going on? Yes! 😆
leave the bike under a tree for a few days. Birds will sh1t on it… wash off the sh1t free, Guaranteed etching into the paint.
To archive a more uniform pattern it may take a few sessions under the tree 🤔
leave the bike under a tree for a few days. Birds will sh1t on it… wash off the sh1t free, Guaranteed etching into the paint.
To archive a more uniform pattern it may take a few sessions under the tree 🤔
Well....there's actually a chicken farm just down the road....I reckon a day or too in there would have it stripped of paint and etched!
Might even get an egg or two!
Feed them chicken feed with food colouring and let them go to town, get the farmer to attach the frame to the back of the tractor, using it as a plow. Urinate on it and wrap it in tinfoil. Give it a living!
Is that only for steel? I recall years ago threads on another forum about people relieving themselves on the frame to thoroughly rust it.
I fell off in into sandpit in some woods late one night in France whilst touring.....really short on water and being in the middle of nowhere the only thing I could think of to get rid of the sand on the chain was to pee on it! 😂