gt zaskar build


Retro Guru
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hi all, I've been busy since finishing my heckler. I picked up this 98 zaskar frame off dom kerry on here, I know the purists will hate that i stripped an ink blue frame, but it was the right price and frame at the time. dont give me any shit, ive had enough from the zaskar community over on fb! anyway, it's been polished as best I can, new decals from gil, parts have been purchased steadily, and some have been sold along the way. took delivery of some sweet nos michelin hot s tyres today but unsure them yet. got spokes for front wheel build on the way, so shouldn't be too long now till another bike I wanted as a teenager will be in the rideable part of the garage!
At the end of the day, it's your bike. Re-purpose it as you see fit and enjoy the journey. There is no rule book, just a lot of righteous opinions and will to judge.

Looks like its coming on nicely so interested to see where it ends up.
This is awesome! That Bomber is soooo plush. I want to upgrade my 1994 Avalanche LE. Anyone know if our beloved GT's are compatible with modern drivetrains? I was thinking a mix of XT or XTR M9000 series or later. Maybe SRAM X9 or X0. Don't know if they play nicely with slightly older bikes tho. If anyone's tried, let me know.

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