GT Psyclone ..frame ..NOW SOLD..thank youall


Old School Hero
Hi Finally saying bye to an old faithfull..16" dire need of a respray, otherwise dings or dents or scores. Chainsuck marks, and lever scratches on top tube...they are just marks, no grooves.
Frame number; 99P010.
Looking for £40 plus postage unless local to Bristol! She needs a loving home.


:cry: Yeah..i know! But being nice needs and warrents a lovely respray, and they dont come , as they say, priced to sell! :LOL:
:oops: absolutely...would never dream of commuting or putting a babyseat and rack awful, god , no never........ :roll:
i had 1 of these, a 98 model if i remember correctly, black with yellow/orange stickers, rode beautifully. sold it to a mate, he got it stolen because of his own stupidity :x , it then turned up :D in a shop that my brother managed at the time painted badly in yellow, we told the customer to eff off or we'd call the rozzers, he did! :D gave it back to friend who then sold it to my saturday lad then had argos sort it. black and glitter with silver stickers. looked awsome, still rides great! testament to a quality product.

i am tempted but i shouldn't. if it's still around in a few weeks let me know and i'll have it but i don't think it will and i'm broke at the mo! :(
typhoon":22bj7cat said:
:oops: Forgot to add, Argos added the mudguard/ rack eyelets..v. useful! :LOL:

As I tried to mount a Crud Guard to my Psyclone at the weekend, I found out these would be pretty useful to have.. :evil:

Nice frame.. The fillet brazing is pure class on these Bad Boys..