GT Malvern Classic 2023 pics from page 9

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That's all folks.....
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Malverns Classic 2023. Wasn't bad was it? ;)

I was fortunate to be with Kona again this year. Arriving Thursday morning, it was straight into getting the area set-up and I don't think we stopped for the next 4 days. It's a lot of work each and every day and tremendously rewarding, meeting new and old faces, nattering not just about bikes, but all things love, life and the universe.

Engagement was high, especially Saturday which was distinctly busier than last year, and it seemed the case across the entire site.

Wrapping up each day around 7, I didn't get out quite as much as I'd like, but with the insane rule of not allowing any cycling on site thankfully binned, it did mean I could scoot around on the A'ha a few times and drop in on some fine looking bikes (and odd looking folks ;) ). I think relaxing that rule really helped with the atmosphere and vibe.

The food game was a big notch up from 2022 with more vendors to choose from, with many bringing some fantastic flavours, most notably the Jamaican stall where we rinsed the steak and chips, goat curry and jerk chicken. Honorable mention to the Shawarma and vegan stalls (bang bang noodles for the win).

Entertainment was interesting. It felt like the scheduling was a bit back to front. Thursday night, with the smallest crowd, was absolutely on it with Leroy playing the same set as last year, but it really went off. Friday night was strong although Doddy's set was too long and very samey. Saturday, the peak of the festival had a slow burn that was going in the right direction, starting with the Oasis tribute (shite, but if you like that sort of thing, it was going down well), then a 90s tribute act which started badly with Kula Shaker, but by the end were knocking out some excellent RATM covers (Bulls On Parade - yes please). It was there...then it wasn't. Nothing. No music, for about 20 minutes I think, then the Ratpack came out.

Oh dear. I'll say age has not been kind. There's nostalgia, then there's leaving some things be.

The weather was summer 2023 typified. Short spells of warmth, lots of overcast grey cloud, short bursts of heavy rain (thankfully mainly on Friday night), mostly cool, and distinctly cold in the morning. Layers were needed!

In summary, it's head and shoulders the best MTB festival this country has to offer. Plenty to see, lots of racing and riding to get involved in, good food, good pop, great people. I'm curious and excited to see what's coming for the 2024 event - if you've not been, don't sleep on it - book it in now 👍

Photo splodge incoming.



Crash pad, this time in the main site. Great for the commute...a challenge for sleeping before midnight 🤣 but nothing a good pair of earphones and eyepatch couldn't fix.


Leroy and crowd on it ❤️‍🔥



"My" section of the stand, each day looked similar but we were blessed to have a few friends come through and leave their bikes with us, includng Joe and Ernie's old 97 Hei Hei King Kahuna (many saw it in the Show & Shine), and Max with his pristine 2009 King Kahuna. Compared with last years, I added the Manomano to the stand which got a lot of cool comments, more jerseys, and more reading material; lots of browsing and memories triggered by passers by. Proper cool :cool:

The Misser Replica was the main talking point for many. I'll save that chat for the build thread.


Ryder turns heads every-time, and rightly so. Such a beast, such a bike!


Off camera to the left were the bogs, ah yes, the smell of festival shit and piss, especially every morning when they pumped it out into the trucks (reg "PO02MUK") will live long in the memory. Directly opposite was Matt Jones' stand, and obscured by punters to the left was his 4*4 buggy which some ambitious youths tried to nick on Saturday night 🤣









The slopestyle events in the evening were a step-up from last year with some insane talent on show. You name it, they busted the move, with this my favourite 🤣 (You can't beat a good flair or front flip, which they delivered).




Doddy (I think) sending us to sleep...



Josie McFall letting us all know who the best brand are ;) She's such a boss and all round wonderful person. Make sure you follow her and her adventures on IG. She accidently won the pump-track, but her legs gave up on the uncharacteristically long final sprint on the 4 cross event, coming third after leading out of the final corner.



Eastnor castle put on some fireworks, nicely placed with the moon. I'm sure it was deliberate ;)



"Oggy oggy oggy..."







A solid 10k around the site and arena, including a lung busting run up the hill to the obelisk, with some cracking views.


There was a second sea and sky Klein doing the rounds the day before with butterscotch Ritchey tyres. I managed to catch the tail-end of the Show and Shine and was pleased to hear last years insanity and toxic atmosphere had been put to bed. Great to see a downhill bike win, and of course the Explosif on the podium 👍




It was ace to see Chris and some of the gang over the Kona stand, and I got a few mins to snap a few over at RB HQ.


(It's on the Hot registry already ;) )


Jamie at Retromania had some crackers once again, not least the Intense and...


...and the prototype GT, rightly one of the best in Show & Sine. The fluro repaint is insanely good.


Phwoooooar! Monsterous!


The other manufacturers had a few oldies displayed including Marin (not pictured) and Rocky Mountain with this wicked RM7. Super clean.


Intense had an M1 and I took over my M1 frame which they enjoyed looking at . 0/10 to GT who didn't show anything old and from the feedback I heard, were pretty frosty when asked why. Sure it was there anniversary last year and their display was super-good then, but to turn your back entirely left a bad taste in the mouth for many GT fans.


The Honzo-retro tributes (94 Explosif and 95 Kilauea respectively). We had many double takes, with folks coming in asking if they were for sale, and if Kona were going to mass produce them 🤣 They are fantastic builds!


Evie's enduro winning Process - she smashed and won every stage in her category. Evie is another absolute boss on the bike, superstar baker and singer. She's super-cool and you should follow her on IG as well.

Big thanks to everyone who swung through, took the time to say hello, purchased merch (we'd almost run out, so result there), took pic's, posed for pic's, loaned their bikes and shared the good vibes. I'm expecting a nice referral fee from RB HQ; I lost count the number of folks I told to go to the stand ;);)

See you next year!