Growing hostility towards Mountainbikers and Cyclists

I don't know why the media of course love to stir up the hatred of cyclists.Perhaps it is because too little news, but the media must also publish information, it is necessary to provoke conflict.But have to admit too many cyclists may also impact on the environment.

As cyclists, I think we've got a long way to go before we make even the tiniest fraction of the environmental impact that motorists and everything connected with the motor industry and oil production combined make. OK, may be we add some impact on the landscape and trails but then you need to consider the higher volume of walkers who are causing erosion to landscapes too.

The media aren't wholly to blame but they do like to selectively and sensationally 'bend' information in a way that sells and also baits all sections of society against each other. Trouble is, the media knows how to cycnically present information that reinforces the views of the misguided and easily manipulated. We all know that the media are capable of making or braking politicians and all those in the public eye. Sections of the press can have the power to swing elections – just look at the coverage of poor old bacon sarnie munching Ed 'Milli Vanilli' or the Kinnocks stumbling in the waves in their attempt to reenact the 'clincher' from 'From Here To Eternity'. Michael Foot in his donkey jacket. The Tory whip in Policeman Pleb Gate and so on.
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groovyblueshed":3a4kuphw said:
OK, may be we add some impact on the landscape and trails but then you need to consider the higher volume of walkers who are causing erosion to landscapes too.
The majority of the Pennine Way is now paved, I see. When I walked it 30 years ago, before that, erosion had already taken parts of it (near Bleaklow particularly) so low your head was below the natural level of the peat to either side.

Cyclists are far from being the only ones to have an environmental impact
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tufty":38g9lr3i said:
groovyblueshed":38g9lr3i said:
OK, may be we add some impact on the landscape and trails but then you need to consider the higher volume of walkers who are causing erosion to landscapes too.
The majority of the Pennine Way is now paved, I see. When I walked it 30 years ago, before that, erosion had already taken parts of it (near Bleaklow particularly) so low your head was below the natural level of the peat to either side.

Cyclists are far from being the only ones to have an environmental impact

Used to live up in the Pennines and would often disappear for a day on the bike on the Way and it's trails. There was no paving around then and you could go for miles and hours without seeing anyone – fantastic!
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groovyblueshed":3ni8io72 said:
tufty":3ni8io72 said:
groovyblueshed":3ni8io72 said:
OK, may be we add some impact on the landscape and trails but then you need to consider the higher volume of walkers who are causing erosion to landscapes too.
The majority of the Pennine Way is now paved, I see. When I walked it 30 years ago, before that, erosion had already taken parts of it (near Bleaklow particularly) so low your head was below the natural level of the peat to either side.

Cyclists are far from being the only ones to have an environmental impact

Used to live up in the Pennines and would often disappear for a day on the bike on the Way and it's trails. There was no paving around then and you could go for miles and hours without seeing anyone – fantastic!

Ahhhh....I remember doing that too...bliss...and now it's all paved....and probably rammed with grumpy vexatious litigant types :facepalm:

Quite possibly. Lived on the heights between junction 23 & 24 of the M62. On the other side of the hill was Orange.
It seems to be 'fashionable' to talk about cyclists as a 'nuisance'.

A lass I am friendly with, a disabled lass, made a stupid remark about hating cyclists the other week. I just asked why, and she came out with the cliched Top Gear responses.

I just don't get where all this bile/hostility comes from. Some of it's not even based on their own personal experiences – it's just repeated rhetoric. When I'm bike commuting out there, I'm really careful/mindful/courteous but I still get filthy looks from people. One thing I find is that, particularly when I'm carefully walking with the bike on pavement, people seem to deliberately walk at or into me with the risk of getting caught by the bars or whatever and then give me the disgusted/outraged treatment for being in their way.