Grisley Glacier

Ch ch ch changes

I got out last Saturday and did 32 miles. I've a lot of work to get done and I have carried out some work already. Ergon grips, Panaracer T-Serv tyres and a Cateye computer to replace the Niterider which was being a nuisance. Has anyone used Schwalbe City Jet tyres? The bike wouldn't steer straight when they were on. It was wanting to go to the right or to the left. The profile of the Panaracer tyres is more rounded and appeared to track better on a test ride. Photos on: ... 026875601/

I have the headset to strip and regrease and the wheels to get trued up. I eventually got the 'V' brakes balanced.

It will settle down. It rides beautifully and can fly. The gearing suits me for I prefer to spin.
I think thats a nice looking bike and it comes with a nice story. Its funny, some things really pull on your heart strings. I too am now pining over a new piece of kit.
Nice to see a proper Grisley at last. :)

They were nice bikes until Peugeot got hold of them. :evil:

IIrc there was another model called the Wasatch as well.
Xesh":o9zzq5nw said:
IIrc there was another model called the Wasatch as well.
Yes there was. I'm sitting in my shed now stripping it down and rebuilding it atm.

I thought i'de take a break and do a search for it and this topic was the only result that google found!
Maybe i should get a pic up for you all when i'm done putting it back together, where would be the correct place for that since i'm new here?

Thanks :)
uome":1dy4l8hj said:
Maybe i should get a pic up for you all when i'm done putting it back together, where would be the correct place for that since i'm new here?

The best place would be one of the readers MTB sections. ;)
Xesh":1g3v029k said:
Nice to see a proper Grisley at last. :)

Thanks for the kind comments. The Grisley reminded me of a Muddy Fox Courier and then a Muddy Fox Pathfinder I used to own about 20 years ago. I just didn't realise how much I had to do to get it to my liking but it was a labour of love. It will suit me for I am over 60 so spend more time on Sustrans paths than the road these days. It's set up for trails and the road. It's just a pity I am still working full time so haven't as much time as I would like but it's there waiting for me.