Gripshift - thinking again now...........


Senior Retro Guru
Been tooling around on a recently acquired Cinder Cone, fitted with Gripshifts, absolutely wonderful, forgot just how good they are :oops: :oops: Been guilty of just ripping them off bikes in the past, fitting summat else....Why? Why no love for Gripshift? To rip a famous Apple slogan off -they seem to "just work".
OK. Ignore me - just used search - this has been done to death endlessly. Still hate thumbies with a passion tho............I'll get me coat....... :LOL: :LOL:
I've been guilty of it too......I berated it until I picked up my kona with it on, I kept it really to tick the 'i've got it' box and now I really like's intuitive to use, the only thing with thumbs is the ability to know what gear your in without looking at the block......useful in the dark!....
I think Gripshift have had an unfairly bad name for years because they don't like to be abused. They can be a little fragile!! and don't work well if used with crap,gummed up or just poor quality cables.
Keep them clean and lubed and mated with quality mechs and they are fantastic.

I have used nothing else for 18 years and love 'em.

al. :D
Grips & Thumbies

Always liked the idea of Gripshift but could never afford them as an upgrade so I swapped my thumbies over and had them underbar - dead easy to use, intuitive and your hand never leave your body when changing gear - schweet!i
That's interesting!.......I presume you swapped sides as you turned them over?......I would imagine pushing up to the big rings, against the spring was a thumb rather than forefinger job.....
Grips & Thumbies

I think I know what you are suggesting.
You swap sides and mount upside down so all pushing in with thumbs.
It's also very quick to shift.
Was part of the evolution of my Polaris Bike used to "compete" in the 90's :LOL:
Pic here, you may be able to make them out.

al":ompxgy77 said:
I think Gripshift have had an unfairly bad name for years because they don't like to be abused. They can be a little fragile!! and don't work well if used with crap,gummed up or just poor quality cables...

al. :D

Sachs twisties solved all those issues too. It wasnt until Sram acquired Sachs that they learned how to make a durable twist shifter suitable for use on dirt long term. No Johnny Snot or Bassworms or other hokey trinkets necessary.