Green Kona Cindercone mystery


Gold Trader
Can someone clear this up. mousemat is selling one at the mo, and it reminded me of my friend's that I restored for him last year.

In my head I thought it was a '92 model. I bought a '92 gold Explosif from that year and was sure I remembered the Cindercone being green.

mousemat is advertising his as a '91 model, so to save hijacking his FS thread any more than I already have I thought it should continue here.

I have checked the Kona catalogues archived on here for both the '91 and '92 model ranges and neither list the Cindercone as being available in green.

So what model year is it???? It's only for my sanity, and so my friend knows for sure which year it is from. (he bought it new but can't remember when)
Mousemat's is a 1991. I don't remember a green one, doesn't mean they didn't exist though. However, it'd have to be a '95 or '96 as it doesn't appear in any of the other 90's catalogues.

All this assumes it was a Cinder Cone and in it's original paint?

EDIT: I think the 95 Cinder Cone was blue... :? so not that...

EDIT TWO :D : 1993 was a silver to green fade?
I had one and pretty sure it was a 95, sold it on STW to a chap in Scotland.
It hadn't been resprayed and was quite a dark green with gold lettering if memory serves me right
Lava Dome was green in 1996.

I thought this was a '95 Cinder Cone, but might not be original colour?

Mousemats is a 91 in Cinder Gold, they do look greeny but thats the pukka colour and decals
I had one with the original reciept a couple of years ago.
Wow :shock:

I hope I can clear this up a little bit? The frame is a 1991, it has the bb cable guide with the greaseport, TBG logo still at the base of the seat tube, seat clamp is brazed/welded to the top of the seat tube and the decals are original and definately 1991 variety. The paint is not looking it's best and has probably faded/changed slightly in the 16+ years since it was sold and now looks decidedly green (as in my pics in the FS thread). But if you get it in good light there just a faint whiff of gold and I'm sure the Cinder Gold colour was a slightly greeny gold.

Just for my own sanity I'll email the frame number to the Kona tech guys to see if they can confirm age by that!
Its a '91 without a doubt.

Kona did stray from the catalogue colours quite often though.

I had a Kona Lavadome from around '96 (The year the Lava Dome was a cool orange colour with blue decals) but mine was the Green colour from '94 or '97 with the blue decals, everything was the same as the orange version apart from the frame colour.
bazil":3ke8rn79 said:
Its a '91 without a doubt.

Kona did stray from the catalogue colours quite often though.

I had a Kona Lavadome from around '96 (The year the Lava Dome was a cool orange colour with blue decals) but mine was the Green colour from '94 or '97 with the blue decals, everything was the same as the orange version apart from the frame colour.

Good point, i thought that Kona stopped offering colour options after '92. But in '96 you could get the Lava Dome in Orange or Green.

The only way to age the 'mystery' frame is see the decals, maybe some frame details like seat-clamp would help, if it's an early one.