Great big Singlespeed thread!

Jamiedyer":3jmnbhtm said:
coomber, the KM is looking great :) Be good to hear how it goes and what you think of the changes.


Well had a nice 26 miler today linking bridleways but too much road 60/40 but still great.

The minnion tyre at the front is ace even in the slop. Bike has had headset replaced and brakes sorted by bike shop too. Just got to set the rear up tubeless and I'm done I think. Although I am tempted to try some Mary bars just to see what they are like as have always liked the look of them.

Really is a fun bike.

Looks good Coomber 8)
Glad your liking the changes and its always great when you find a tyre you really get on with. Riding in the conditions in the pics means the tyre must have been pretty good as it looks like it would test any front tyre.
Mud seems to be the order of the week as I raced the Puffer last weekend and it was just a giant mud fest. The downhill section which must have been about a kilometre or so at the end of the lap was most likely the hardest part due to the mud being wet and sloppy and in some places around 12inches thick.
All good fun


It's like that everywhere here. Bit of sanctuary in a few woods where trees have taken some excess water but most is a bog. your race sounds familiar! SS race?
Strathpuffer 2016 24hr
No not a singlespeed race, though I was singlespeed and there is usually quite a few singlespeeds. I was in the Fatty owls team again this year. last couple of years have been on my Pugsley but due to the expected mild conditions which means mud instead of snow and ice I decided to ride my 1X1 with DDirt Wizards, so 26+ I suppose :wink: That's what I assured the team as my Pugsley wasn't back together after its repaint anyway.
There was six of us registered as a 10 man team. We ended up taking third in class. Its a great weekend as its a good laugh, has to be otherwise you would be crying :lol:
The singlespeed seemed to be the only ones not shredding chains and rear mechs in the heavy going mud.

First lap
AP5Y5704 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr


Looks great. Will have to Google that event where is it?

Colour coordinated helmet. Good job!
Hi mate
My bars are Titec licensed Jones H bars, same as on my Pugsley.
The Strathpuffer is near to Contin in the Scottish Highlands and runs round the mountain on the back of Ben Wyvis. Always held in mid to end of January so you get the full winter effect. Course is around 11 miles long with a start control and then two or three marshall points around the course. Its a mix of forestry road and singletrack, lots of climbing and its always cold, a lot of the times snowy and icy. This year it hit 0 degrees at midnight whereas last year it was minus 6 at 11pm.
Heres a link to the BBC shows a video of some of it. Its shows also the type of race, its got a good feel to it as a lot of years your just racing to survive. I did it solo and Kaiser and Epicyclo from macretro also do it solo. For that your just racing yourself. I just go to do what I can and enjoy myself.
The fast men as usual are always fast but there is a bit more of a relaxed feel here as a lot of it is fairly out of the way or maybe remote, and this feels more so in minus temperatures at 3am.

Entries open in July and fill up within minutes these days, but if you want to join us I am sure we can sort you out in a team and a bed before it. That Monkey would look good with some Scottish snow on it :)

That looks like a brilliant event fella. Loved that 3 minute clip, lots of falling over! Probably wont get a pass for a trip that far away from sunny Devon but i'd love to one day.
Hi guys need some advice, I have a SS Genesis IO frame, can I fit an Alfine 8 to this or were the Alfine frames specific?
