Great big Singlespeed thread!


firedfromthecircus wrote:
Cheers. :wink:
Yours got a colour yet?
Not yet, hopefully it will go in to the painter on Saturday after the fatbike ride. Will pull it down in the carpark and drop it off. That's if they get back to me and can confirm they can finish it how I want. If not then it will get boxed and sent south for a straight RAL colour of orange like a Troll, maybe ;)
I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure :wink:


Can I join in? First SS offroad jaunt today.. D apparently stands for "Definitely not fit enough to push 34/18 up steep hills yet!";-)

Think a change to 32/20 might be in order. Running 34/15 on the daily commute but might switch to 36/16 to increase chain wrap whilst keeping the same gearing.
Looking good gradeA :) very smart looking Voodoo
If your not used to it off road you will soon build up to it, especially if your commuting.
32/20 or even 32/18 is a decent starting point regardless of fitness.


Thanks - the commute's only 4k and 12m elevation gain so minimal fitness training! Do occasionally ride it on the park bike though, so the inability to sit down helps..

Really happy with the Voodoo actually; bought it as a SS but went 1X9 immediately. Only went back to SS a week ago but enjoying it so far.
Got out on my 1x1 yeterday for the first time in too long.

After having this bike set up variously as a tourer, with drop bars, with a hub gear etc its really good to have it back to just being a nice and simple mountain bike.

You can't beat a 1X1 8)

Well, maybe with the exception of the guys I have raced against over the years :wink:
You now what I mean, besides if you ride a 1X1, then your already a winner 8)


Dogs certainly look impressed. What tyres did you go for?

No ss'ing for me this Xmas. Freehub went on my wheel at the end of a ride on the 22nd, currently awaiting a once over and new tubeless wheels at the lbs.

Anymore pics? This is my favourite thread on the site.