Getting old? Have you ever thought about it????


Old School Grand Master
Evening all,

I have been thinking that i am getting old - and i am 46. Various things happen and i think 'Am I that old?' The old example of the definition of getting old was that you find all your favourite CDs in the budget CD section in a music shop (remember those). The mad thing about the old definition is that 'music shops' don't really exist any more. << this is the point i am trying to make.

Long ear hair and nasal hair but no head hair is another notification of the ageing process.

I intend this post to make you think of attitudes to things and not physical things (like hair). Like seeing a young driver fly past you on the road and thinking 'that is madness'. When i was young i drove like that.

I had a motorbike when i was younger and i thought 100mph was slow now i get gittery even thinking about that.

Does responsibility change attitude or it is the 'older and wiser' thing?

Give it a think and post things where your attitude has changed when you get older.

Hope everyone is well,

I'm also 46, and my attitude to speed has changed. My V-Max and FZR 600 haven't turned a wheel in 6 years and the thought give me the heebie jeebies. These days I drive so slowly even my mum gets impatient.
hey Chopper,

Have you thought why you drive like that now? That is what i am getting at.

I know, perhaps, in your circumstances, the reason for speed reduction but maybe there is more?

Hope you are keeping well,

Chopper1192":2qlt1obm said:
I'm also 46, and my attitude to speed has changed. My V-Max and FZR 600 haven't turned a wheel in 6 years and the thought give me the heebie jeebies. These days I drive so slowly even my mum gets impatient.

I'll ride them for you if you want.
I am married with one 8 year old and that is a fair point regarding attitude to risk - i will not let my daughter do things i did! But then again, my Dad would not let me do stuff which my uncle would. EG I was not allowed to use our mower at home - value £100. My uncle let me drive tractors on the road when i was 14 valued at around £50,000 - which forage harvester etc attached - LOL makes me smile even thinking about that. Maybe Dads are protective - or over-protective.


I thought this might be the case as I have a friend who will be 46 in two weeks and he still drives and rides like a lunatic (Never been married and no children)

I myself will be 46 on Thursday and although I have no children or wife. I am a carer for my elderly mother and I think that with responsibility comes caution :idea:
I may agree, i do think a lot about my daughter and her antics - so you say -

it is not age, it is responsibility which changes attitude.



Although saying all that I felt very old the other day when I realized that I had no idea of any music that is in the charts right now and that I have had no idea for about 2 years :facepalm: :oops:
2 years?????? LOL Try 24 years!! I am listening to a punk album which i bought when i was young and my music knowledge finishes at 1989! LOL

To add to the discussion - I THINK young people do not have the same attitude to debt as i do - i want to buy things and pay for them, not get a loan etc - am i alone in this?????


Lonely Boy -

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