Gay Marriage

highlandsflyer":164o4guv said:
greenstiles":164o4guv said:
Hey FMJ funny you should mentions squeeling (like a piggy)'d know all about that and banjo's where your from

Being Canadian...

Yeah, us inbred, shack livin', banjo playin' Canadians are such a backwards bunch. Advice was given. Not too surprised it wasn't taken. I'll quote his favourite source of (mis)information (well, at least this Wiki entry is factual).

"On July 20, 2005, Canada became the fourth country in the world, the first country in the Americas, and the first country outside Europe to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide with the enactment of the Civil Marriage Act which provided a gender-neutral marriage definition. Court decisions, starting in 2003, each already legalized same-sex marriage in eight out of ten provinces and one of three territories, whose residents comprised about 90% of Canada's population. Before passage of the Act, more than 3,000 same-sex couples had already married in those areas. Most legal benefits commonly associated with marriage had been extended to cohabiting same-sex couples since 1999."

June 10, 2003: Ontario
July 8, 2003: British Columbia
March 16, 2004: Quebec
July 14, 2004: Yukon territory
September 16, 2004: Manitoba
September 24, 2004: Nova Scotia
November 5, 2004: Saskatchewan
December 21, 2004: Newfoundland and Labrador
June 23, 2005: New Brunswick
July 20, 2005 (Civil Marriage Act): Alberta, Prince Edward Island, Nunavut territory, and the Northwest Territories
B77":ofr7biz7 said:
videojetman":ofr7biz7 said:
although i find this thread fascinating, its like chewing a piece of gum and fast losing its flavour.
the fact is homosexuality has become very "popular" in the last few years.
i firmly believe being "gay" is a choice, the same as being "straight" is a choice.
saying someone gay was born that way, is like like saying someone was born to be a paedophile.
or can people be born peadophiles ?
can people be born evil murderers ?
i think not, but homosexuality has become acceptable by the masses.
even our prime minister is in favour (should secure another term in office)

anyway i digress.
my point being we are born as boy or girl.
but everyone has a choice in life, and its wrong to take away that choice.
i know i am in a minority with my beliefs.
but i respect everyone's view. so please have some respect for mine.
peace to all retrobikers.

Being gay is not a choice, do you actually know or have any contact whatsoever with gay people ? That statement comes from the deepest possible ignorance.

i got to know a "gay" homosexual person once. deeply troubled alcoholic to go with it.
i don't mind people disagreeing with me, but i am not ignorant, that is insulting to my views.
i could counter your statement by saying you are ignorant for thinking gay people are made that way.
but i'd be wasting my time, you are entitled to your opinion.
lets just agree to differ without resorting to insults.
FMJ....'' if you can't take it''......''you shouldn't give it''....da da ding ding ding ding ding ding ding....
I agree that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and would myself never insult anyone for their opinion how ever much I disagree with it, but I do think it open country to try and change peoples opinions.

I don't see how anyone can simply say it a choice one makes. There are countries in this world that torture and murder people over their sexuality, if it was a choice they would just say, I'm not going to be gay because it is so highly dangerous, but they don't they live a secret life constantly in fear of their life, that is no choice.

"i firmly believe being "gay" is a choice, the same as being "straight" is a choice.
saying someone gay was born that way, is like like saying someone was born to be a paedophile."

Really? :shock:

Can you imagine someone deciding to become a peadophile thinking "I know what life choice to make, I will become one of the most hated human being possible. There will be a strong chance if I get caught of getting my house burnt to the ground. If the media find out I will be hounded out of the town where I live. And the objects of my affections will probably be mentally scarred for life. Much easier than a wife and two kids....."

Yes, I am glad I made the right choices in life.
videojetman":2u0dkdl5 said:
i got to know a "gay" homosexual person once. deeply troubled alcoholic to go with it.
i don't mind people disagreeing with me, but i am not ignorant, that is insulting to my views.
i could counter your statement by saying you are ignorant for thinking gay people are made that way.
but i'd be wasting my time, you are entitled to your opinion.
lets just agree to differ without resorting to insults.

Calling you ignorant is not an insult it is a statement of fact, being homosexual is not a choice, this is possibly why the erson you got to know was so depressed and the reason for the high suicide rate amongst the gay community. When I left home I moved into a shared house with 4 gay men, I was the only straight person in the house, although Rich was bisexual, all through my life I have had gay freinds (tried it once, not my cup of tea) and I can say for certain I know what makes gay people tick far better than you. I have the direct experience, you do not.
My freinds have told me almost to a man or woman that they knew they were gay from a young age, although for gay read 'different' as they had no handle to pin on it being so young. A client of my wife has just left his wife and children because he is unable to hide the fact that he is gay anymore, 'I cannot change what I am, and because I tried to I have ruined other peoples lives' were his exact words, he has suffered from depression and been a heavy drinker for years. When I asked him how he managed to father children he said 'I just thought of cocks'

As for becoming more 'popular' it's more correct to say more socially acceptable, what os socially unacceptable is irrational fears and prejudices. When we were living in Normandy, which is very very french and a very very backward region, where my wife has been spat at for having tattoos, a 14 year old boy was beaten so badly that he was left in a vegetative state, just for confiding to his best freind (a girl) that he was gay, this didn't occur at school this occurred in the local village and adults were involved as well as teenagers. In France the word for homosexual and paedophile are the same word.

This type of ignorance is only a couple of levels below yours Mr Jetman. I have presented my argument, could we hear your argument for 'homosexuality being a choice' please ?

Lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated.
Lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about something in particular: "ignorant of astronomy".
illiterate - nescient - unlettered - unlearned

Not an insult.
To continue in my usual patronising manner , i would just like to say how proud i am of everyone that we have managed to get to 10 pages without the thread being locked . Well done everyone.

It has also renewed my faith in retrobikes patrons.

so lets all employ diplomacy and tact to ensure this thread fizzles out rather than explodes.
Hmm, 9 pages and just keeping the head above water on this one!

My two pence - I have no problem with gay marriage. If two people are in love be it same sex or otherwise, why shouldnt they be entitled to marry like any other couple? Does it affect me if two blokes or two women want to marry each other? I might not overly like the idea of it, but it's who they are, it makes them happy and makes no difference to me if they do so just let them get on with their lives how they want to live it. I would be happy that they are happy :)

As for gay being a choice, I strongly disagree with that opinion, but then this is only my opinion that it isnt a choice. I would back this up with the same comments made earlier about people living in fear of execution in other countries because of their 'choice'. Lets not all forget folks, ignorance is also not being prepared to listen to the arguments of others or blindly slamming one persons opinion without having a mature and constructive argument to retort. Lets enjoy an educated and informed debate rather than just panning people because you don't agree with them :)

(never potentially been in a bun fight before, could be fun!!)
Charlieboy28":2uhgmn0q said:
To continue in my usual patronising manner , i would just like to say how proud i am of everyone that we have managed to get to 10 pages without the thread being locked . Well done everyone.

It has also renewed my faith in retrobikes patrons.

so lets all employ diplomacy and tact to ensure this thread fizzles out rather than explodes.

I must say I've been pretty amazed that on the whole this has been a civilised discussion and so has lasted this long. I have enjoyed listening to all viewpoints and having the opportunity to express my own on the subject.

"and I can say for certain I know what makes people tick far better than you"
well that statement is puzzling.
seeing as you don't even know me.
your ignorance is just the same as mine.
you calling me ignorant is a statement of fact by you.
your replies to my quotes are evidence you have a very high opinion of yourself.

please by all means we can continue this by pm.
or better still face to face.
then we can have a better understanding of each other.
like i said, we should respect each others opinions, and not force our opinions on others.

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