Gash Riding! YouTuber dices with fate.

I don't really like any of those urban cycling videos. Some of them are very skilled no doubt. But a cyclist shouldn't swerve between cars and ride like its 1910 IMHO. I imagine there isn't much of a choice there though, and I'm lucky to come from a country with more accessible cycling infrastructure. But still, even in parts with no cycle paths, we don't swerve inbetween cars and ride like it's an obstacle course - because we intend to get home that day. Alive.
Runs red lights with complete impunity, weaves around things like vans, which block her view completely as she then goes onto pedestrian crossings and has to suddenly swerve around the pedestrian she finds there.

Entitled 4r5ehole.

Cyclist death/injury statistics in the US are pretty high, but the thing about statistics is they only come into being due to many of those cyclists riding , well, like that.
And eventually the statistic will catch up with her and she'll become one.
About 2010 we "repaired" a bike that had been deliberately ridden into a wall when the rider realised his lack of brakes
(25mph at the bottom of st Michael's hill)
meant he would have to pass through:

A red light
2 lanes of crossing traffic
A pedestrian island
Another lane of traffic
A metal fence
An 8 foot drop onto Colston st
Another 2 lanes of traffic...

And then perhaps Bikeworkshop's front window, security grille and display bikes.

We fixed it for him while he was fixed up by the Bristol Royal Infirmary, which is fortunately 100 yards down the road.

Takes guts though, to steer into a wall at bone-breaking speed.
Any idiot van ride like a prat....well done....perfect score on that front.

That car almost had her.....foolish indeed relying on cars to stop and riding red lights blind.

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