Gash Riding! YouTuber dices with fate.


Retro Wizard
In the course of research the old trout happened upon this YouTuber riding the big city fixed.
Great public information film on how NOT to ride. Poor anticipation and poor consideration.
Friend of mine was a bike courier in New York, and later London. He rode exactly like that, but a lot faster. Just did not give a **** about any other road users, rules, traffic lights etc - was not stopping for anything or anyone. Rarely had an accident, but history does not record how many he caused.

I will say that having ridden in London, you do develop a kind of sixth sense about what the traffic is going to do and can weave in/out of it in a way that might scare others. Of course, the problem lies on that fraction of a percent when someone does not behave as you expect. I always stopped at red lights, and slowed for pedestrian crossings (because you never know when some pedestrian is going to run across at high speed). I did eventually slow down a little, spend more time on waving people through etc as it simply made for a nicer experience.
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