Gary Fisher BB's


Retro Newbie
I've just got myself a 91 HooKooEKoo with the press fit BB however the supplied BB axle is too short (113) for my old XT cranks - I need 127mm. Are these still available or is it a lost cause?
I've got a 127mm ti spindle that may work, but I'm pretty sure it's for 73mm bottom brackets. What size is yours?
Fat BB are around 15mm diameter (the same as the cook bros BB) and Klein, action tec and suntour grease card for Merlin are 17mm.
What are thespindle diameter of BB fisher ?
I would change my RS1's for a longer :wink:
the axle is the same as a real b/b one , same bearings as a dale se pivot

sjs cycles had them listed, tho i dont see them now :roll:
I might have an extra axle for the pressed-in Fisher 88 mm BB. They are not like the the normal axles, because of the bearings and the width of the BB. I found these a while back on eBay and bought some more! See pics below. PM me if interested!



Hi, is there an axle left for my Gary Fisher AL-1?

I still have new bearings (6003) but today I saw, that my chainring don´t go round.

Best regards from Munich, Germany.

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