Games in F1?

Keep the new turbos and kers, but bring back ground effects and active ride, then we'll see some over taking in the corners again.
jimplops":5h68rkmi said:
Keep the new turbos and kers, but bring back ground effects and active ride, then we'll see some over taking in the corners again.

There has been a power of overtaking this season. More than I can remember for a long time.
2000bhp, no downforce, random corner wetting, that'll sort the men from the boys & be a true spectacle
gtRTSdh":1d1ml5pq said:
2000bhp, no downforce, random corner wetting, that'll sort the men from the boys & be a true spectacle

....and have a skip full of rubble randomly lowered by Chinook onto the track every five laps. :p
With the KERS maturing and the rumoured use of recharge/boost pads set into the tarmac I can see the racing being more competitive; racing line, or off-line with boost?

But tyres are suffering, they're pushing the limits of rubber. With fuel cell technology replacing petrol and speeds increasing the rubber will only suffer even more. With pit 'stops' being drive through only energy cell replenishment no team will want to stop to swap tyres.

I think it'll be 2048 before we see the likes of Feisar and Auricom using anti-grav to solve the tyre issues.

At least then racing will be exciting again.

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