full sus recommendations please (lightweight for xc use)


might be able to do better than that - mrs bought me a 4k gopro type cam for xmas :) just need a chest mount

main thing i need to do is swap out the 1) seat (he's kept his favourite, so i've got an ugly one!) and 2) grips were shot, fortunately i picked up a new set of my favourite handlegrips already, but bolt on this time round - specialized enduro xl :) 3) really want to swap the tyres and tubes out (rims aren't tubeless, but he was running a tubeless+tube to try avoid punctures)
Been on quick shop this morn

- tyres and tubes (specialized ground control)
- hope qr seat clamp to replace Allen one
And a camelbak mule, as bottle fitment doesn't look great

Need to do the above, swap almost new wtb seat from other bike and fit the new grips then pics.

Using house scales it's around 11/12 kg, about 26 lbs - pretty lightweight. Will weigh again after tyres done as think it'll be lighter
ok.. fitted grips, saddle, new tyres+tubes, pedals, qr seat clamp + transferred all my stuff to the camelbak ready

looks awesome now.

but again, being xmas. more family stuff going on.. so quick go on house scales.. now 27.5 lbs up from 26 lbs (11.8kg up to 12.5kg)

hoping to get a ride in tomorrow or the day after.

i can see how the weight weenies get obsessed. i'm happy with it, considering 1) a stock one is meant to be 29 lbs, and 2) i've not ridden it anywhere other than the road outside the guy i got it froms house yet :'(

apart from set up changes, only other planned change is some matching skewers as thats bugging me :twisted: (bidding on some black XT ones)
Went for a little ride yesterday. Parked low, I really struggled climbing up to the top of Quantocks.

However the bike was awesome, its light, chuckable, climbs really well and i've got more grip - places where my hard tail would spin I found a breeze, and it has better traction through the gloopy stuff too.

I did a fairly short 7 mile loop in the end with a few sections of fun n fast riding. On the fastest section someone just let their dog stand in the middle and did nothing, however without that i'd have probably pushed my limits. This thing is fast, scarily so, and its fun.

Also found a jet wash on the way home, £1 I can get the majority of the gunk off before a final clean / relube at home.
I do have a full size workshop stand, but I just bought a little £6 one for use next time when cleaning, so I can spin the chain and run a brush against it and not soak the garden chairs everytime I go out! I used a citrus degreaser to clean the chain and cassette, and relubed with a proper bike oil!

Aside from getting my own fitness up to where I'll enjoy the bike more, the only thing I have to do is tweak the gearing as its not too hot up around the biggest cog at the back when using the granny ring (vendor had mentioned this, I just didn't do it). I haven't touched the shocks yet as the guy roughly weighed what I do. However looks like theres a bit of room to let some out.

On with the pictures!

Some shots just before loading onto the car.




new clamp and seat from my hard tail


having a rest part way up hodders combe

at the ruined cairn on higher hare knap (followed by the super fast descent back down to hodders combe car park mentioned above)

back at the car
Thanks, I'm stoked and wishing I could get out on it more :) looks like i've got another mate getting a bike in about a month, so i'll have 3 separate groups of people to ride with, as well as being on my own.

I've probably spent another 100 on tyres, tubes, new locking grips, the seat post clamp, some matching hope wheel skwers:)
+ a camelbak mule and separate splash cover + the little stand i mentioned above.

i think i've sorted the gearing, and did the sag both ends "by the book" which has made it feel more rigid, so i'm going to have to think about taking a few psi out til i'm happy. the previous owner told me he was running it fairly rigid, but sag wise it was actually pretty soft!