Wanted Front brake noodle with a 90 degree bend

I just bent my own from other ones (and chopping bits off) , but that's pretty short even compered to one of mine and will be a horrible curve for a cable.
What does it fit?
I've seen sharper curve noodles built into stems (Atac, Syncros). This one comes off a separate headset / steerer mounted hanger but the drop on that isn't low enough to accommodate the noodle under a flat road stem. I'm building up a very small frame so everything has to be kept as low as possible hence why the road stem. I think I have a solution which requires a bodge and means I can use this noodle as is, but I wanted to see if anyone had something else before I go down that route.
Got this one, not completely 90 degrees but appears sharper than your post above. Any good?


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