The method of connecting octagonal aluminum tubes into aluminum lugs with connector bolts was employed by Pierre Caminade as early as 1935. Joining the tubes with aluminum lugs and wedged internal expanders – the method used by Meca Dural, and other other hybrid methods involved pinning the lugs, and using a steel rear triangle.
This made for quite a flexy frame. My own Mecadural is quite an odd bike to ride. I'm used to stiff steel frames, I have a small collection of 753 and one lovely 953 French built frame. The Mecadural is like riding around on a big comfortable settee! It's not particularly light, about the same weight with guards as my 531 tourer but it is surprisingly sure footed around town, and nippy (for all it's wobbly aluminium tubes) with pin point steering.
I've swapped out the steel forks that came with it for a lively pair of CMP (Lyon) aluminium forks, which though similar to Alan are definitely more plush and refined.
I've long been fascinated by the history and evolution of French aluminium for a long time now. In aviation, the French have pretty much led the charge in the use of lightweight materials for over a century.
The final iteration of soudo brazed aluminium (welded) frames probably came to a peak with Raymond Clerc, which is the builder I'm currently chasing at the moment. He started life working for Sabliere, and produced some of the finest aluminium frames I've ever come across, bar none. I'm lucky enough to have been able to own a few. His early attempts at 'aero' frames are stunning, I have yet to see any welded work anywhere which comes close. They are heavily collected in France, and it is very difficult now to find one in good condition. He would often anodize his bikes in combination with luxurious paint which is something to behold. I'll post some of his bikes later.